I have a few goals this week:
- Order the last of my new equipment.
- Get caught up on the laundry.
- Clean the awful pile out of the corner of my bedroom.
- Enjoy my scheduled week off from shooting and get all caught up on my editing.
- Rock as a mom, HARD CORE.
What do you hope to accomplish?
Comment with your TO DO LIST below.
Get your jobs done because one lucky commenter will win a surprise,
And what's a post without a picture?
Raleigh, mommy loves you!
Comment with your TO DO LIST below.
Get your jobs done because one lucky commenter will win a surprise,
And what's a post without a picture?
Raleigh, mommy loves you!

Projects/To dos:
Get ready for primary activity (Sat)
Two baseball games for Trevor
Soccer sign-ups
Food storage organized
Countdown til I'm not a single mom (Friday!)
Work- paychecks, bills
Have fun with the kids
Sleep at least a little each night!
Sorry, nothing photography related, but I leave that to you and others and just enjoy everyone else's work!
Awesome idea!! Think I'll just use this on my blog as a way to keep myself accountable as well - you rock!!!
Goals & Gotta Do's:
~ Finish editing & burn pics to CD of ice-skating event for my mom's work
~ Laundry! Fold & put away what's already done & keep up on laundry throughout the week
~ Do bills & work up this month's budget
~ Print out b-day pics from Livia's party & get out thank you's.
~ Do at least one post/day in my photo blog on photo editing
~ In photo blog, feature at least one post of my photography - not just editing techniques
~ Look into the blogs, forums, and workshops an absolutely wonderful photographer recommended to me
Much love and God Bless!!!
-get workouts in each day (the Tri is a month away)
-Organize job charts for the kids
-finish a quilt
-send quilt
-enjoy cleaning house with kids!!
-enjoy spending time with the kids & with my hubby.
-download photos and update blog
All basic...I'm lovin life!!
Lolz!!! :)
Mine is the best
To Do's --
1. Study for Operations research(OR)
2. Study for Prime movers and fluid machines (PMFM)
3. Study for PPE(Power plant engineering)
4. Study for Numeical Analysis
5. Pack bags for Home Sweet home!!!
Sigh.. What a boring life...
This is a great idea!
To Do:
Make it to my photography class
Finish last weeks assignment and this weeks
Do laundy
Clean house
Get summer clothes for Pres
Make appt. to get internet at my house
Finish painting my desk
And that is all I want to commit to!
My to do list:
Create a new fitness plan for myself
Do all of my assigned reading
Read at least one conference talk a day
Write in my journal daily
Buy two baby shower gifts
Stop eating so many treats
Drink more water
Go grocery shopping
Accomplish all of my goals
Thanks Natalie, love you!
K Nat...if I pull this one off it will be a miracle and I totally should win.
Get A Job--that is it
That being said, if anyone in UT wants to hire me that would be great.
I absolutely LOVE Raleigh's freckles. Just like I loved his daddy's. Why do I love theirs and used to hate my own? Not ready to make a list yet:)
My (unfortunate) to do list:
~blasted laundry
~prepare and carry out preschool lessons for tomorrow and Thurs.
~upload picture for photo class assignment to Picasa
~go to class
~read to, play with, cuddle, love, all 3 children everyday
~smooch my hubby
Hey Nat! I LOVE lists!! I'm on vacation and I still have one!
-FHE Lesson
-Catch up on laundry (noticed that I'm not the only one with this problem)
-Send off last of Malia's Birthday Thank You's
-Eat noodles and dumplings at this little dive in Pearl City... sooo good
-Take the kids to the beach (major mommy time)
-Blog update
-Visit Kelii's Kailua family
-Jac's play and dinner
-Pack for the Big Island
Ok. Here we go:
1. Finish cleaning out closet.
2. Pay bills
3. Pay PopPop's bills
4. File and make phone calls
5. Walk every day
6. Print out itinerary for CA trip (yea!)
7. Arrange wire transfers
8. Keep blog updated
9. Write Terry
10. Clean laundry room
11. Get Mother's Days gifts to VT sisters.
Phew. I need a nap.
Love you, Sis!
1. Laundry
2. Run 3 miles
3. Go to Costco
4. Make peanut butter and chocolate balls
5. Look for apts
6. Go to grocery store
1- finish my documentary synopsis and treatment
2-go on a date with Christian
3-call my mom and grandma for mother's day
4- quiche to freeze so i can have meals next week
5- tell Enzo and Christian I love then at least a million times a day (maybe not a million but enough that I loose count)
6- invite my none member friend if she wants to have the missionaries over at her house. (I'm nervouse)
ready? set- go!
In no particular order:
-Tell my two little boys that I love them and they make me happy every day
-Start a new painting project with my 5 year old
-Go surfing on Thursday with the girls and our kids
-Vaccuum the sand out of my car
-Plan a baby shower and my husband's graduation party both in the same week...next week
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