02 December, 2007

Tickled Pink, or. . . blue I suppose

The lovely folks at the WalMart photo lab have tickled my soul! I did an engagement shoot recently and released the negatives to the couple for printing. They sent their selections for their announcements to WalMart only to find that WalMart wouldn't release the printed pictures to the couple without written permission from the photographer because they looked "far too professional not to be copyrighted." Oh be still my beating heart. Sorry to the couple who had to make the trek twice (45 min to the closest WalMart), but my ego is very happy.


Heather said...

I LOVE that story! Good job Nat!

Annie Link said...

Of course! What a compliment!! I'm proud of Walmart--but more proud of YOU! Way to go, Natty. Saw Staci Mills yesterday. She was doing a shoot of her sister's family out on Christensen's covered bridge. We might want to do that while you're here. . . it would be a fun spot for a family picture! But who could take the shots? Maybe you could set them up and then get someone else to hit the shutter after you dash into the pic??

shelly said...

That means you've made it, Nat!!! Not that I had any doubt...

Testing said...

What a great compliment! But I'm not surprised one bit- especially since I've seen your work!