03 July, 2010

KHON 2 News.

We were on the news last night in Honolulu.

You can view the clip here.

The clip is entitled
"Preventing the spread of whooping cough in Hawaii".

There was one piece of information that was
inaccurate in the report.

To set the record straight:

Gavin did NOT contract pertussis while on the mainland.

Gavin contracted pertussis in Hawaii
and became symptomatic while we were vacationing in UT.

We know this because we've done the math of the
incubation period of the disease.

For the record.
(when you're fancy and on TV you get to say stuff like that).

Mahalo KHON 2 for bringing attention
to this important issue that is facing our island home,
and the nation at large!

Parents and caregivers,
get your booster shot today!


Lyric said...


Megan and Keli'i said...

That is a great clip. Glad the word is getting out there.

FootPrints said...

glad to see the sickness is getting the attention it deserves...i'll be sure to forward to everyone here at home.

Shari Baker said...

My sister in Denver just recently gave birth and the doctors and nurses told them about the adult pertussis vaccination. I was glad to hear that she was reminded about it's importance with that new little baby in their home. Thanks for being a voice.

Sara said...

Thank you for sharing. I am so grateful to know this information now. I am currently pregnant and hubby just went to get the vaccine to be ready when the baby comes. I was surprised at how hard it was - just because the clinics were shocked that he hadn't been injured and kept telling him that he didn't need to get it without an injury. Plus, the insurance didn't cover it because they said it wasn't preventive. But we were persistent and went around town until he got it.

Melody said...

I really love that Gavin is helping spread the word and that you are able to do it in such an awesome way. Your blog really draws people in. His death was never meaningless but I feel like with everyone he helps it means a little more. Your baby is saving lives.

Melody said...

PS- For the love of Pete, you need to warn me when I am about to see that video from the funeral. That thing hits me like a swift kick to the pelvis. It was only a few seconds but I can still feel the lump in my throat!

Damaris @Kitchen Corners said...

no words. I'm sorry you were on the news. My heart still aches for your family every time I'm reminded of your loss.

Maria Draper said...

Thanks for making the world a safer place. Your willingness to share your story will save many the grief you are going through.

I thought you would be glad to know that my friend just had a baby in Utah and they gave the parents the pertussis vaccination before they left the hospital.

Andrea said...

That is great that they are getting the word out. Sending hugs to you and your family!

Lara said...

Nat, I checked out the video clip but they also had a printed version of the the clip and it did say that Gavin contracted pertussis in Hawaii before traveling to the mainland. Thanks for all your awareness. Wish that is hadn't happened to you but he needed little Gavin home for his work and God is good. Love you guys.

Natalie. said...


yeah, they fixed the text after I made a phone call. :)

Sara said...

Hey, Lady.
Just checking in to see how things are going for you and your crazy boys. Glad to see you are hangin in there and doing so much GOOD while you are at it!

And FYI- I'd love some info about your Utah Workshop... when, where, and is there still room left?