Honolulu Airport.
that's where the mania began.
well it really began in a pile full of laundry
then went to a car full of crazy
and THEN
we ended up at HNL.
and the airport is just crazy in general.
without kids.
and then you add a billion children
and 2 month's worth of suitcases. . .
and well, there just aren't words.
and amid all the hustle,
I stopped.
and my heart was nearly wrenched from my chest.
who knows how long he'd be gone.
and I suppose there's really no certainty
he'll ever come home. . .
and there's a knot it my throat just typing that.
and she was crying.
tears that were gentle and sincere.
the kids were a mess.
and he was . . .
something I don't have words to describe. . .
and I didn't have time to think.
we were walking by and there was only this one moment.
I pulled out my instant camera (yes, I bought it last week)
and through humiliating tears directed their family together. . .
. . . he tearfully put it in the pocket over his heart.
and they said goodbye.
and suddenly all my crazy,
didn't seem so crazy.
and if I never take another picture as long as I live,
it won't matter.
that moment was enough.
that's where the mania began.
well it really began in a pile full of laundry
then went to a car full of crazy
and THEN
we ended up at HNL.
and the airport is just crazy in general.
without kids.
and then you add a billion children
and 2 month's worth of suitcases. . .
and well, there just aren't words.
and amid all the hustle,
I stopped.
and my heart was nearly wrenched from my chest.
who knows how long he'd be gone.
and I suppose there's really no certainty
he'll ever come home. . .
and there's a knot it my throat just typing that.
and she was crying.
tears that were gentle and sincere.
the kids were a mess.
and he was . . .
something I don't have words to describe. . .
and I didn't have time to think.
we were walking by and there was only this one moment.
I pulled out my instant camera (yes, I bought it last week)
and through humiliating tears directed their family together. . .
. . . he tearfully put it in the pocket over his heart.
and they said goodbye.
and suddenly all my crazy,
didn't seem so crazy.
and if I never take another picture as long as I live,
it won't matter.
that moment was enough.
That gave me goosebumps reading that. Thank you Natalie. That was...well, there are just no words for it.
P.S. I will be thinking of you in early July as we visit you beautiful state again (Maui and Kauai). When I am photographing the beautiful sunrise from Haleakala I will send up my prayers to your precious baby boy.
you are magic.
love and light to you and your family
Thank You for doing that for them!!! Your a sweet lady:)
sharing your talents. priceless.
Wait! What? Wow. How do you do that?
I am such a fan of yours! Your amazing photos and your heartfelt words are inspiring. I linked over to your cute mom when you wrote about her and fell in love with her too!! You must have an amazing family. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, feelings and life!
What an unbelievably wonderful thing you did! -
what an amazing gift
i love that you did that ... so glad that you did. i'm sure it wouldn't have mattered if you didn't, but oh! what a treasure for him.
you are great.
Ah, Natalie~ God's perfect timing. You are an angel, His way of giving a family full of anxiety and prayers just what they needed, exactly when they needed it. But, rest assured, you have been God's way of fulfilling prayers before. Before Colin deployed I prayed for 3 things: quality family time, a timeless portrait of our family, and a way to assure Colin that we supported and love him, without fail. You were God's way of answering my prayers. Thank you, again, for the precious moments you captured for us. I can't wait to place a beautiful little picture in the mail, so that Colin, too, can carry our love with him. Now, my prayers are that God will bring him home safely.
Amanda, Max & Mia (...and Colin from afar)
beautiful nat.
I couldn't have said it any better than Amanda, God's perfect timing...Those portraits mean so much when our loved one is away, it keeps us close together, makes the days go by faster for all of us. You did something for that family that they will forever hold in their hearts, and trust me, a soldier never forgets the unsung heroes out there like you, every day that he looks at that picture, he will also think of the women, who even in her own chaos, took the time to do something meaningful for his family. My prayer is that they will in turn pass that gift onto someone else.
All my love to you and that family
they will remember you as long as you will remember them...you've given them more than just an image, as you know. awesome. i was just trying to think how 1000% appreciative i'd have been had we had someone (YOU!) there doing that same thing for us when my husband went last year. you rock.
Ditto x 2 on gods perfect timing (beautifully put Amanda btw) and what a beautiful way of sharing your god given gifts Natalie, he knew what he was doing when he picked you to have them.
and this is why you are my hero. well, just one of the many, many reasons i love you with all my heart. thanks for helping me to be a better mother, and person!
That's awesome Nat! The feelings are quickly brought back to the surface of what we went through too little over a year ago. What a treasure for them and thanks to the angel...YOU! AWESOME!--Amie & Misi Fakatava
You have no idea what an unbelievable gift you gave to them. Him.
I always felt that as the spouse, the one left behind, that I had it worse. I mean, I had all the kids, the empty house to go back to, night after night of sleeping alone... but after a slow, unfolding, deep talk with my husband after he got home this last time I realized, he truly has the harder end of the deal. He has to walk away - one foot in front of the other - from his family.
And so, that photo you gave that man is a treasure. A true treasure.
We will all pray that he comes home and that photo of togetherness becomes their reality once again.
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