There is no charge for Awesomeness...or goodlookingness!! hee hee hee. WWWAAAHHHOOOOOOOOO I MADE IT ON THE BLOG!! I feel so cool. But seriously, you are the best. i love the lighting.
REALLY cool picture, Natalie! Love it. Are all four of those babies hers? How is it possible to be so skinny with so many little ones! What a beautiful family -- can't wait to see more!
I am a wife a mom and a wedding and portrait photographer. I live on the north shore of Oahu, Hawaii with my wonderful husband and four crazy sons, one of whom lives in Heaven. Thanks for stopping by.
You will periodically see me blog about The Sounds of Pertussis campaign. I am an unpaid spokesperson and am only compensated travel expenses where applicable for my involvement with this important cause. Join our fight against this deadly disease by clicking the image above!!
ooooh cant wait!! looks amazing! this is mandy btw:D
There is no charge for Awesomeness...or goodlookingness!! hee hee hee. WWWAAAHHHOOOOOOOOO I MADE IT ON THE BLOG!! I feel so cool. But seriously, you are the best. i love the lighting.
INCREDIBLE family picture! SO rad.
Bennetts = SuperCool
This is AMAZING. I clicked to make it BIG and it's even more amazing. This is going to be beautiful in print. So gorgeous, Nat.
REALLY cool picture, Natalie! Love it. Are all four of those babies hers? How is it possible to be so skinny with so many little ones! What a beautiful family -- can't wait to see more!
you photo tease LOL
Great job- love it!
i LOVE this!!!!
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