30 June, 2008


This made me happy. Yes it did.


Anonymous said...

This makes me happy too!

Actually, I've had your blog in my feed reader for a while and your stuff has been making me happy almost daily. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Now that's a unique shot. Sweet mother of pearl. I thought it was one leg at first. But I see two now. :-) Good work babe!

Natalie. said...


Thanks for the blog love! I stopped by your site for a moment this morning. . .you do LOVELY work!



Anonymous said...

Hi Natalie,

I absolutely love your blog and have put a link on my new photoblog. I find your work very inspiring. Greetings from Austria!

Anonymous said...

i love this shot! the swish of the skirt, the black leggings and black heels, the stain on the wall and the the color of the wood floor... so fun!!