05 April, 2008

Daddy's Boys.

My hubby really is quite the photographer. Which makes me really excited, because I secretly envy all my photog friends with their hubby/wife photography teams. I'm totally going to buy that boy a camera and drag him along. I love having such a talented man as my best friend.


Heather said...

I LOVE seeing those boys! They look like they're having SO much fun! Great photos! I was just going to ask you yesterday to put some photos up of your boys because I miss them!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I do too! So much it hurts a LOT. Thanks, Nat & Richie! Great shots, by the way!

Kristen said...

Go Richie! Yeah, I'm gonna be an electrician some day, so William and I can go bring the world light together.. hahaha. Love the thought of being photogs together! That sounds like fun. I guess it's just fun to be with them huh? Hmmm... or William will have to succumb to my love of cooking and pick up a recipe book! Uh, I guess I'm gonna be an electrician! No really, he's a great cook... when he's hungry!
PS: I heard Richie liked the horse!

Anonymous said...

I love your photos so much. I wish I had that talent to make every day of our life look so beautiful. And I love your words so much. You have such a way Natalie. It's amazing. So subtle & just calming.

Kristi said...

Well done, Paul just got himself a "real" camera, I still need to auto one. Great pics, it makes me miss hawaii, especially with the Brewer house in the background.