31 March, 2008

Logo Contest: Finalists.

Ok all! Thanks for your patience. One more round of voting!

Here's how it will work. You can vote for 2 logos. One as your primary choice and one as your secondary. Remember that I have the final say. When making your choice, pick the logo that you feel best represents the following adjectives that I want my work and thus my branding to echo:


Your vote on the logos below will automatically enter you to win one of the following:
- a free 30min sitting and a disk of my 15 faves from the shoot.
- a free 30min phone consultation: you can ask me any and everything about technique, equipment, business, marketing. . .you name it. Anonymous votes, though perfectly acceptable, will not be entered to win the prize. If you voted during round 1, your name will be entered a SECOND time in the drawing doubling your chances to win!!

And without further ado, here are the finalists based on the designs that received the most votes.

The first two finalists were submitted by Tyler McBride. Tyler's site will be launching soon, in the mean time you can contact him directly at tyl.mcbride{at}gmail{dot}com.

The following 3 submissions were entered by photographer/designer Allie Kemp.


The above is a set that would be drawn from to create a complete palette.

The logo that appears above did not make it into the finals, but I like it. So here it is. Oh, I'd change the photo to photography.

The next logo was submitted by graphic designer Karen Perreirra.

The above logo was not one that received the most votes but another logo submitted by the same designer was in the final group. Since the two logos were so similar and I liked this one far better this is the one that appears in the final running. If you're interested, the other logo was number 1 on the last round of voting.

The final logo was submitted by Matt Mildenstein. Matt's website is still under construction but you can view some of his recent work here or contact him directly at mildenstein.matt{at}gmail{dot}com.

Thanks for voting! Truly, I'm so grateful!


shelly said...

First choice: #7
Second choice:#1

But I really love them all!

Jennifer Rinaldi said...

1st choice 3
2nd choice 1

Anonymous said...

first choice 7
second choice 2

Janna said...

First choice: #7
Second choice: #3

Anonymous said...

4 and 5
i truely think that they fit your style.

Amber said...

1st choice: #5
2nd choice: #7

Missy said...

first: 4
second: 7

Anonymous said...

First - 4
Second - 2

TD said...

I love #7 and #2!

Heidi Bitsch said...

Hi, I'm Heather Bitsch's sister and I just wanted to tell you that I love coming to your blog. You take amazing pictures and I love looking at them. I wish I lived in Hawaii so I could just follow you around on a shoot to see the different things you do. Anyway, just wanted to tell you that. And my votes for your logo are 1 and 7.

Da Denninghoff's said...

Primary: 4
Secondary: 5

I think both are soo you! Either one I think you would be content with.

Katie said...

Hi! I like #2 and #6, in that order. =)

Jessica said...

1 and 4

Just SO said...

#1 and then #7

{Erica} said...

2 then 4

Jessica said...

Sorry to post again but I like #7 but I don't know what your signature looks like. If you have a really cute signature I would pick #7 over #4. But if your sigature is anything like mine I wouldn't like it ;-)

katie said...

1 is my favorite. I also like 2.

Ashley said...

I like #1 and #3

Heather said...

Hey girl! I pick #3 as primary and #7 for the other...

Pat said...


Rach said...

I really like 4: professional and fun, but then #7 is great cause it puts your personal touch on it. Everyone did a great job, I love it.

Heather said...



The Shumways said...

contrary to the popular vote,
I am going to go with #7, then #1.

Ashley Thalman said...

number 5!

Nichols Family said...

I like #2, then #7.

Jana Neser said...

I vote:


They all look amazing!

Kristen said...

7 and....7 :) Especially if you want timeless!
Good luck!

Anonymous said...

First Choice: #3
Second Choice: #7
Great job to all designers!

Kevin Lavin said...

I think #1 takes the cake. It's unlike all the others and is simple. What really sets it apart is the graphic to the left. It's not a standard clipart graphic, which is what makes it so unique.

David said...

7 is the one, if your signature is nice. 1 is all the things you mention plus elegant, and would be choice 2.

Damaris @Kitchen Corners said...

6 is my fav

My Dearest Rich said...

#7 is vote favorite, first choice and #3 is second choice. All of them are absolutely fantastic!

Kelli Eudis said...

#4 and #5

J said...

First #1
Second #3

They both have a whimsical feel, much like your site and many of your photos.

jen said...

I like 3 and then 7.

Natalie Hill said...

i say 5 and 6. you're just so good. they are fresh simple and direct. like you, my sweet.

Ding said...

First choice: 4
Second choice: 1

Nancy said...

1st is #7

2nd is #3

JulieAnn said...

Yay! All my favorites made it.

First choice: #7
Second choice: #1 - I think you could play with the colors to fit the times. Orange is the new pink, pink is the new black...

Anonymous said...

First choice: #2
Second choice: #7

Dan and Ashley said...

Hi Natalie, You don't know me but I am a very good friend of Lindsay McBride and I saw your photography through their blog. I love your work--it really is beautiful! All your logo options are awesome, but I'm going to have to vote for #7 as my first choice and #3 as my second. Good luck!

Jenni said...

#1 and #4. My real opinion, though, is that you should use the profile picture of your son looking up with the green background like you had on your blog a while ago. (I was sad the day it disappeared.) If you used that photo, I like #7 to go with it against the green. That adorable picture is all of these things:

Anonymous said...

That's a really neat idea, Jenni! That really would be cool!

Anonymous said...

first: #5
second: #6

Em Levy {orange + barrel} said...

#1 for sure.

The Van Leeuwen Family said...

I really like #4 & 7

you don't know me, I saw your link on a friend's site & I just love seeing your photographs! You're so talented. I hope that someday my pics will look half as good as yours!

Unknown said...

7 and 1