14 March, 2008


Normally when I see a shot, I have total clarity regarding color or b&w conversion. With these photos of the lovely Kati (shot at the Jonathan Canlas workshop), I really couldn't decide! What do you think? Comment below.


shelly said...

Color for me!

Damaris @Kitchen Corners said...

me too!

Anonymous said...

the color shots are beautiful, i love the yellow and red

Ashley said...

Hmmm it is hard to chose. But I am loving the B&W.

Unknown said...

Black and white speaks to me more.

J said...

I porefer the B&W, the light looks amazing and much more interesting in it.

{Erica} said...

i prefer the color shots just for the pop of color...both are great though...

Unknown said...

Love the B/W ones..absolutely love your pictures and the blog!!
Take care

Jenni said...

The color shots are so vibrant and fun. They exude personality! The black & white shots portray a much more serious moment. They definately don't carry the same message.

I absolutely love your work! It has really inspired me to be a better photographer.

Anna K. said...

They both look great, but I think i'll go with black and white