10 February, 2008

Sweet Little Man.

This is my Cardon, and today this picture went up on my wall.

Oh how I love you, my sweet little man. Here's to you and all the wonderful magic you bring to my somethings, my others and my everythings! Thank you for making mum so very happy!

I'm Yours. Forever.


Lindsay De McBride said...

i miss you guys. we love you and think you are the raddest of the rad.
i hope you have a beautiful day and know that i am thinking of you often.
lindsay de mcbride

shelly said...

Oh -- Cardon. Words just can't express. I love this picture, Nat! The words I'll never get tired of hearing in my mind was when, a few days after you went home after one of your visits, I talked to him on the phone, and he said in his dramatic, sad voice, "I SAD!" Why are you sad, Cardon? "I SEE you!" You want to see me? "YESSSSSSS". Rip my heart out!

shelly said...
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.From Her. said...

Ah! My Cardon! What a boy.

Annie Link said...

Oh Cardie! I love you so!!! You ARE my sunshine!

i'm erin. said...

hahahahahahaha...spurt...hahahaha I cant stop lauging at how serene and innocent he looks in this picture, but in the picture below, he is taking a wiz out the window! hahahahaha