** Give your subject something to do with thier hands. . . it's often enough of a cognative distraction to help them behave more naturally in front of the camera. Then you'll end up with GREAT, genuine expressions and shots that WOW!
Happy Shooting!
Tor read more tips on creating great portraits, check out my post The Human Side of Photography on the Digital Photography School blog.
PLEASE NOTE: If the above links have trouble loading, give it a 2nd go (and maybe 3rd and 4th go if necessary- it'll be worth it I promise). I've been having trouble getting the site to load today. . . probably due to high traffic.
NATALIE! Well DONE! I really loved your tips on "The Human Side of Photography". Your writing is a joy to partake, and the most basic photographer, up to the best can benefit from your wisdom. Thank you!
And this bright star just keeps rising! Kudos my love!
k, I just checked out all of your "giveaway" people, NAT- YOU'RE TOTALLY FAMOUS!
I really enjoyed the tips and I am looking forward to using them. Are you self taught or have you taken photography classes?
Great article and beautiful pictures!
ohhh I am up to the challenge this week. I will send you what I shoot. I love your photo tips! love love love love love your article!
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