My giveaway this week is 5 limited edition copies of Cubworld's album, Step Lightly Create Out Loud. It's a tremendous musical journey ranging from soulful ballads, upbeat ska-inspired rhythms, as well as modern, Indie-rock songs. . . all sure to inspire. Just a little FYI: This is by no means a promotional effort by the artist. I love his music so much that I personally purchased the 5 cd's for the giveaway. If you'd like to be entered in the drawing, comment on this post no later than Friday, 22 February. Winners will be announced Saturday, 23 February.
You can also (and totally should) download 3 free tracks here.
Here's the Cubworld scoop:
Meet Jacob Kongaika. . . the "Cub" of the magical land I've come to know and love as Cubworld. I'm so stoked to be set up to shoot this guy when his tour hits Oahu (the Hawaii leg of the tour is scheduled to follow the band's stop in New Zealand and should be the first 2 weeks in May: EXACT DATES TBA. . . stay tuned).
Jake grew-up in the South Pacific and has been heavily influenced by local island traditions and the rich, smooth musical cultures of Tonga, Samoa and of course Hawaii. These melodic harmonies were introduced to him from his infancy by his father who sang old Tongan songs to his children. Jake says, "this inspired my lifelong passion for music." It clearly ignited his innate ability as well.
He received his first Martin guitar in college, a gift from a knowing sister, and the rest is history. In the last year he's played the Paradiso in Amsterdam three times. This is the same venue that's been graced by a good number of Jake's musical heroes. Namely: Coldplay, Damie Rice, Jack Johnson and Dave Matthews. Ask him about this and he's out of his mind with excitement as well as the humility that is so characteristic of this musical giant. "Trips me out to know that i played on that stage!" he'll say with a smile that stretches the length of his face and a twinkle in his eye that would put the North Star to shame. Check out his first performance at the Paradiso here.
So I asked him flat out, "Jake, what makes you so cool?" I know him well enough to know that this question is going to make him squirm. But his response is dead on.
Jake: "I think I'm cool 'cause I'm a Poly that thinks outside the box musically."
Nat: "You sure do."
Jake: "I love that more and more young Polynesians are into rock music and actually making it. I don't do rock, but listening to it has helped me branch out of the rap and reggae world. I'm still very much influenced musically by my island roots but I think it's cool to do music t can branch out a little farther into the world. Other than that, I don't really think I'm all that cool."
Jake'll be the first to tell you that his music is a harmony of his inner most thoughts and feelings. His songs are a rich tribute to (as well as a search for) life, family, morality and everything that's good in the world.
Step Lightly Create Out Loud was not only the creative result of Cubworld but also the collaborative effort of 686 fans from 44 different countries who invested in Cubworld, helping him raise $50,000 for a recording contract with, which made him the first U.S. SellaBand recording artist with this distinction.
Nat: "Jake, what's your biggest dream that has come true thus far?"
Jake: "Waking up during the recording of my album in New York, knowing that all I was going to do that day was MUSIC. It was a dream come true."
Jake's official site.
Cubworld's SellaBand page.
**Don't forget to comment below to be entered into the drawing.**
Hi Natalie - I came across your site via Molly Carter's, hope you don't mind. Sign me up for the drawing - I'd love to try them out! You take such beautiful pictures! I am seriously so impressed and am seriously considering having you do our family portraits, most likely after my second is born but maybe I might not be able to wait that long!
Maggie Hong (Nathan Hong--ask Richie! They both lived in Ramona,CA growing up).
I want!
Me! Me! Enter Me!
Hi! Please add me to the drawing... I would love to get his CD. I'm definately going to download the free tracks when I get home from work! Thanks!
Nat...I want to pose the question why are to soooo cool? Seriously I think you are so super cool and you have totally inspired me to look into getting a career in photography. You Rock!
Love it!!! Please enter me in the drawing - I could use a little island in my life now :)
me, me, me please! I love music and I love his songs!
Enter me, i need more CDs for a gig thats coming up haha. Just play :) Nat you are the coolest!!! Thank you so much for the write up. Im so stoked to come back to Hawaii for some shows and also TO GET SOME SHOTS DONE BY YOU! So cool. Create Out Loud :) Aloha
I'd suggest that saying yer not cool is pretty damn cool!
I'd say add me to the draw, but that'd just be greedy as I've got copies of his CD already!
Nice interview ... and whatever he says, he is cool!
Sounds great!!!!
Me me me!
Hook me up Nat...I'm feelin' lucky!!
Count me in please!
I would like this.
Found you through the Pierces. I love to look at your pictures. Amazing! Wouldn't mind a new CD either.
I would be thrilled to win this :) Thanks Nat!
Nice music :)
oh this music sounds just perfect for me! Being polynesian myself it's so rad to see people like Jake and Kalai making a name for themselves! PLEASE PICK ME!!
ummm I just looked at his bio and his site and I totally know him...small world....didn't know he had made it big! Thanks for sharing the love...:)
oooooo i want one!!!!
Stick my name in too! Last time i heard him sing was at EFY...two years ago almost! I'm so excited for them (meaning him and fam) it's one thing to have a dream, and a whole additional thing to get there! What a great accomplishment. I love people with talent who DO something with it! ha ha ha! like you!hope I see you next week!
His sound is so touching, it really makes you stop and just listen to how amazing it is. I would love his c.d.
Hey Nat,
Thanks for letting me in on your blog. :) You are absolutely wonderful at what you do, Mom, Photog, Writer, Yoga instructor, etc.... (do you sleep? :) ) Anyway, thanks to you and Angel for cluing me in on Cub's music! We worked together at the newspaper, and I knew he had a talent for drawing (he was one of our best cartoonists, and I remember the void when he left), but I never knew he had such musical talent! Good job, Cub, and best of luck! Let us know when your show hits Hawaii!
Lots of Aloha,
Li and I want to win one. Then we can play it loudly from our house and you can listen to it too!!
I am feeling lucky!!!!
I like!
Natalie meg and I love him!
Hope you draw our names-
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