16 January, 2008

Head Shots.

Richie'd probably kill me for posting this, but today he needed a head shot last minute, so we popped out into the front yard for about 5 min and here are my favorites (thank Heaven for good stone and block walls and white vinyl fences). It took us longer to choose which one to use than it took to do the entire shoot. Comment and let us know which one you'd have chosen.

In this first set there are only subtle differences in the pictures, but I promise they are all different frames.








I love my Little Richie Hotty Face!

**Anybody in need of a head shot? Let me know. I tell you it takes 5 stinkin' minutes and Richie will attest to the fact that it is virtually painless. Instant gratification too because it only takes a couple of minutes to upload and edit the entire shoot. WONDER OF WONDERS!**


shelly said...

Wow, that boy is handsome!!! And that has NOTHING to do with him being my son!

Jessica said...
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Jessica said...

Sorry, changed my mind 4 or 7.

.From Her. said...

I'm really into #3. He looks so dreamy... ha ha ha Don't tell him I said that. Awkward.

Heather said...

#1 + #5. I think he's sexy-hot in all of them though...wait..eww.

Ashley said...

I like #1. It looks real and honest. Seriously you are so good. Do you use a digital camera?

Damaris @Kitchen Corners said...

number 5 for sure

AJ said...

I think I am going with #4. And please tell me these shots are for his political campaign?

Annie Link said...

It depends on where he's going to use the shot. For youth/casual: #4. For more professional: #7 Richie, you look like JFK. Maybe you ought to consider politics.

Bungeegal said...

#4 looks good!

Jessica said...

which one did you pick?!?

Scott & Tami said...

#4 for sure....cutie pie!