15 January, 2008


Sunday morning when I came out to get the kids breakfast going I found Cardon (my 2 year old) sitting in his brother's high chair, wrapped up in my table cloth, wearing these killer shades.


shelly said...

Hahahahaha! Oh, Cardon. Classic Cardon.

Heather said...

oh. my. goodness! I just wonder what he's going to come up with when he's older! That kids kills me he's sooo funny! HAHAH!

Annie Link said...

Man, is he going to be a lady-killer. Cardon, you ROCK!! Nat, thanks for being a camera-mom!! Thank you thank you thank you!!!!!

.From Her. said...


Bayley Brook said...

oh. my. goodness!! hahahah that is probably the funniest picture i will ever see in my life!! it is so hilarious. i wish you guys lived closer so that we could all hang out more!!