19 May, 2010

viking snickerdoodles.


raleigh has to do a presentation in his 1st grade class
on his cultural heritage.

a billion years ago,
there was a Viking our mix.

a 6 year old wants to present on Vikings. . .
because he realizes that culturally we are SO VERY connected.

One faucet of the presentation is. . .

So. . .
we're making Snickerdoodles.

because they're raleigh's favorite.

(and because we looked it up and Vikings, well they ate PORK,
and HOW does one prepare PORK for a classroom of 6 year olds??)

Well they technically came from Germany.

And hello? Germany is SUPER close to Scandanavia.

AND Vikings come from Scandanavia!

So Vikings and Snickerdoodles
TOTALLY go together.


I am the best Mom ever.

Raleigh will be dressing up like a Viking,
and handing out snickerdoodles.


we win forever.


shelly said...

I've been laughing all night about this! I would have saved myself SOOO much work if I'd ever been as smart as you when my kids were little!

Natalie. said...

or as LAZY (under breath: and disconnected from their education)??

liko said...

they totally DO go together!! (i love how you worked the whole snickerdoodle thing into it!)

vanessa v said...

Snickerdoodles... YUMMMMM! Definitely the best mom forever and ever just for making that connection to Vikings.

marlei said...

That is so funny and cute all rolled into one Snickerdoodle! And of course we'd love to see a pic of Viking Raleigh!

Truly Silkes said...

Dear Natalie! Being of Viking heritage myself and living close to a former settlement just an hour south of Denmark's border I sent my regards and wish Raleigh luck. Being Super-Mom I have accompanied the preparation of many representations for elementary school :-)
I'll send you a few pics for Raleigh with re-constructed housings of ze Vikings, taken two weeks ago.

Ashley said...

Mmmmmm snickerdoodles. Can I confess I once at 3 dozen in one night and did not get sick. You win hands down for best Mom.

Unknown said...

That is going to be so cute, I hope you send me a picture...

shari berry bo-berry said...

AHHHH...your bathroom trick works!

and yummmmmm snickerdoodles! what could be more fun that snickerdoodles and vikings?

you ARE a cool mama!

Kristen said...

like peanut butter and jelly.

Annie Link said...

It is a proven fact that Vikings celebrated their every Viking conquest with hot, fragrant batches of snicker doodles -baked by their Viking mommies and grandma Shelly.

Natalie. said...

Mom! HA! SOOOOO funny.

Natalie. said...


I am SO.GLAD you love the bathroom trick. A.mazing huh?

shelly said...

Annie! Bwahahaha!

Melanie said...

I'm such a dork! I just posted about Viking POO on the Baby Richie post.

Please don't take offense!

Eliza said...

Love it! Love.it.

Anonymous said...

oh and do I consider myself a Viking, just because I'm from Minnesota?!? You Betcha I do!!

Eliza said...

lol, anonymous is me, Eliza.. good grief.. ok, done commenting.. ;)

La Petite Sirène said...

haha love reaching out on limbs to make connections. love it! snickerdoodles and vikings.

Anonymous said...

Maybe its because I'm Canadian, but, whats a snickerdoodle?

Damaris @Kitchen Corners said...

snickerdoodles are the.best.cookies ever. I am addicted to that stuff. Good choice!

Kristen said...

Brooke, I bet the Vikings are wondering the same thing. =o)

Ihilani said...

hahaha! That's awesome!

Natalie. said...


Kristen took the words right out of my mouth! :)



Kristen said...

Sorry to move off the subject, but what is the "bathroom trick"? Cuz, um, I think my bathroom needs one?

Natalie. said...



Kristen said...

Ah! Ok, my bathroom and I now have a date. :)

Kristin said...

This post is hilarious. And I love snickerdoodles. Hope the presentation went/goes well.

Dolly said...

His presentation was awesome and at least he can do public speaking. I was taken by surprise that Izzy clammed up and I had to do an impromptu for her. Actually, I was just too hot standing there in that abaya to wait for her to get on with it!

My rides here...but yes, you win!