17 May, 2010

someone will always hate you.

I'm convinced that someone will always hate you,
and that it shouldn't really matter.

I'm convinced that for every 100-200 people who love you,
there is at least 1 who just won't.

Maybe they just don't understand you.

Maybe they just don't believe in, or are threatened by,
the things you represent.

Maybe they are simply misguided.

Maybe they are just mean.

or selfish.

or just loudmouthed and insensitive.

Whatever it is . . . it really doesn't matter.

Someone always will.

misunderstand you.
neglect to appreciate your efforts.
have an opinion about the way you cho0se to live.
feel threatened by the things you represent.

or just plain HATE you
for one inexplicable reason or another.

But again, it doesn't really matter.

it really doesn't.

the thing I'm baffled by is this. . .

WHY do we (myself included) focus all our time and energy on the
ONE person that is giving us grief?

Why not the HUNDRED who love, support, celebrate and sustain us?

I'm convinced that someone will always hate you,
and that it shouldn't really matter.


and in case you haven't heard it a while,
I want you to know. . .

I love you.

I think you're wonderful.

I appreciate your efforts.

I am cheering you on.

I am your number 1 fan.

I think you can, I think you can,

In fact, I know you will.





Jennifer said...

very well said. thanks for the reminder.

Jenn said...

I have been dealing with this myself lately. It has been so hard for me because of course I don't want to be hated. But I think you're right, sometimes it doesn't matter what you do, someone will find a reason to try and bring you down. Thanks for reminding me to appreciate the people that do love and support me.

La Petite Sirène said...

me too. as much as i know it doesn't really matter, too much of my energy goes into making myself move on. it really should not be that way. oh well i attribute it to human nature, the need to love and be loved (by everyone... : ] ....)

Leslie Houx said...

THANK YOU!! This is something that has been weighing me down lately!
My focus needs to change :)

Ryan Armstrong said...

So very true. Your words mean a lot to strangers; that amazes me! You rock.

Brady and Rachel said...

Thanks Nat. You ROCK!! :) Hope all is coming together well for your trip to the mainland and all the happenings going on while your over here. Prayers with you as you prepare for it all. You'll kick butt!

Heather said...

Fabulous post. :)

Jes said...

At 12:47 a.m. as I'm sitting at my table unable to sleep...I read your words. I read then cried a little bit...bc of this verbal "kick to butt" that I needed. I have known hate at its worst...but I have also known love at its absolute best. Yet I have been able to consume so much of my own energy thinking about the "haters" and why they do so. Thank you for writing your thoughts. Thank you for caring enough to share your revelations with me. I think I can too. =) God bless you beyond the measure of any man...& thank you.

Unknown said...

You're so uplifting. xo

Britanya said...

This is EXACTLY what I needed right now. Thank you.

Mandi Roth said...

I have just recently found your blog and i have to say I LOVE it. Tonight that is just what i needed. I wish i could say it helped with the situation i have going on, but i still enjoyed and realized how true that is. I am always focused on the one that hates me or doesn't think of me instead of the ones that love and care about me and say it and show it. Thanks again. I love your blog. Thanks for all you share.

Anonymous said...

I feel like you have written this post directly for me today. You are awesome.

shelly said...

Thanks, Nat. It really does baffle me how that "one" can have the power to overshadow all the good. Why do we allow that? Why do I allow that when I know better? Thank you for the cheers! And here's cheers to YOU! I appreciate YOUR efforts more than you know! I love you.

Rebecca Waldron said...

That is so true! Why is it that I let myself think that one person is right and everyone else is wrong? Ha. Thanks for your thoughts.

Natalie. said...

Just in case anyone ever reads the comments. . . I just had another thought. . .

you know that quote about how if we knew how rarely others really thought about us. . . bla bla bla. . .

A lot of times we think people are angry at us or are bothered by us or think we're incapable or any etc, but the reality MOST LIKELY is that they aren't thinking of us at all. . . :)

I really believe that is true.

Beth S said...

Great post and completely true. I think we've all been touched by this kind of thing in our lives. I've been following you blog for a while now, somedays you make me cry, somedays you make me smileand somedays you make me laugh. I love your blog, I think you are wonderful and I love you for who you are.
Take care.

photogirl said...

Right back at ya' Nat:

I love you.

I think you're wonderful.

I appreciate your efforts.

I am cheering you on.

I am your number 1 fan.

I think you can, I think you can,

In fact, I know you will.


Shepherd Family ACALPM said...

Natalie, What a Beautiful thought! So True! I dealt with this for years, in fact part of my family still don't like me. Sad really but thankfully I have finally let the Lord take over my worring for me and have been living the last 3 years Happy despite the fact that a handful of people don't like me. And it is fine.
Best Blog post I have ever read!

heidzilla said...

THIS! All of this! WHY!?? WHY???

Natalie, I don't even know you and I LOVE YA. Thanks for always being a dose of reality, a breath of fresh air and a constant reminder that life's just life and you gotta live it.


Heather said...

It's always strange to me that grown adults "hate" people. Really people...leave it in Jr. High. Thanks.

Usually in adults it's because of jealousy. If someone hates you, Nat, it's purely due to jealousy. You live in Hawaii, have a cutie husband, darling children, you're a great photographer, etc.

Love you!


Unknown said...

I am SO SO SO SO SO blessed to know you...and I am your number one fan! xoxo

Unknown said...

"A lot of times we think people are angry at us or are bothered by us or think we're incapable or any etc, but the reality MOST LIKELY is that they aren't thinking of us at all. . . :)"

Wow....this is how I feel right now.

Do you really think this is true?

And then which is worse...thinking people are mad/bothered with us, or not thinking of us at all?

I love your blog Natalie. Thank you.

laney said...

You are such an inspiration...thanks for being you!

I'm Jenny said...

"Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds."
-Albert Einstein

You are a great spirit Natalie! Forget the haters. We love you! Thanks for always being a light.

Unknown said...

You are the best!

You are loved!

I know you can do this!

I loved your post! I was wondering if I could use an excerpt out of if it...I would like to post it on my favorite quotes...need your permission first.

I love you and I am your #1 FAN!!!

Big virtual hug coming your way!

Natalie. said...


Sure. Just give me credit. :)


I do think that's true. And WHY would we WANT someone to be thinking bad things about us?! So of course it's better not to be thought of than to be thought poorly of. In my opinion. . . :)

Christensen's said...

Thanks again! You are always so uplifting and have just what I need to hear. Love this post. So true.

Anonymous said...

I, too, have personal experience with this and it SUCKS! I sit there and wonder what I did wrong and what I could have done better. But, I've had to learn that it really doesn't matter. I have to move on. Oh well. I have my husband and my kids and as long as they like me, I'm good :)

Sarah said...

wait...how did you know I just got back from a visit to my Mother in laws??? Thanks for the pick me up...SERIOUSLY!

Anonymous said...

well said, too true

rachel thurston said...

Thanks for posting this. I kind of think people can only hate themselves. You can't feel hateful towards another without having that hate inside of you. How horrible does that feel? I for one try and choose LOVE & ACCEPTANCE. And I am telling you right now, you inspire and make this world better and for that I LOVE YOU.

Autumn said...

I love you for posting this. I NEEDED this today. Thank you!

CC said...

Made my Day :) THANK YOU

Kristin said...

The timing of this post is amazing. Funny how God works, isn't it? :0) Just when I myself am dealing with what appears to be a passive aggressive "negatron", along comes your post to remind me of how many "positrons" I have in my life.

Thank you!!

Many loving and encouraging hugs for you, Natalie!

Anonymous said...

Looks like a lot of us have the SAME PROBLEM with someone or a handful of people in our lives, so thanks for posting those words. Love your blog!

echo said...

this kinda reminds me of that quote that hung on mother teresas door in calcutta

People are often unreasonable, illogical, and self-centered;
Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind,
people may accuse you of selfish ulterior motives;
Be kind anyway.

If you are successful,
you will win some false friends and some true enemies;
Succeed anyway.

If you are honest and frank,
people may cheat you;
Be honest and frank anyway.

What you spend years building,
someone could destroy overnight.
Build anyway.

If you find serenity and happiness,
they may be jealous;
Be happy anyway.

The good you do today,
people will often forget tomorrow;
Do good anyway.

Give the world the best you have,
and it may never be enough;
Give the best you've got anyway.

You see, in the final analysis
it is between you and God;
it was never between you and them anyway.

-i have always loved those words.
love you nat.

Lisa said...


Just wanted to tell you that I read your blog just about everyday, I think you are an amazing incredible aweseome person. Thanks for the strength you give me and so many other people in the world!

Bri!!! said...

This is so true. I have been amazed by the hate mail NieNIe has received from Anonymous. I think it's the same person writing her over and over. Cruel things have been said and I wonder about the person writing those hateful things. What a very sad existence. It sounds like you too might have received such comments? Which is shocking to me. You constantly inspire, and I agree it's so important to recognize those who love us and ignore the hate that does not belong in our world.

Ryan, Melissa, and Family said...

So True! Thanks for that...I thought it was just me:)

Wendy Laurel said...

Here's to cheering you on! I love you. I am addicted to your blog. I'm stoked for all you are doing. Forget the negative people. Just leave them behind. Just read your comments. You help people just by being you. And thank you thank you thank you for leading me to NieNie.

j. said...

dear natalie,

i normally dont comment because im shy.hehe.but here's to adding up the number of the people who love you - me!

been going to your blog for weeks now,as ive just discovered you from dps.your tutorials helped me learn to use my new slr and photography,really.thanks for that.

boo to that person who hates us.

but dont forget,i love you.

have a good day ms. natalie.


Amy said...

Seriously? This post was just what I needed today. Thanks for writing your blog. I think you are rad. As a new photographer (and really, just a person living life and needing constant encouragement), I never miss a post.

So...count me as one of the hundreds in your "like" group!

Alicia said...

Thank you. You're pretty awesome yourself. I promise I am not that one in a million (I'm sure your odds are much lower than average) that hate you. :) I know you can, too! Thanks.

Anonymous said...

your ability to to always have the "write" words at the right time is something that i appreciate deeply.

Niki said...

I know you have a ton of followers, so I not sure what kind of time you have, but I would love to hear from you on my photo blog :)



Da Denninghoff's said...

Amen sistah!

Damaris @Kitchen Corners said...

why do we focus all our energy on that one person? I hate that. I hate that more than the fact that SHE hates me. It bugs. I need to be better, so much better.

mandy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
mandy said...

If someone isnt hatin' you must not be trying hard enough:D THanks Nat. Amen:D!!

Hadley's said...

Natalie, Thank you so much for this very inspired post. You don't even know what this has done for me. What a tender mercy. You are ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!!! Thank you for who you are and sharing yourself!!! I love you!!
Andrea (Turley) Hadley

Natalie Hill said...

oooh i love this. needed this.
i love you.
and i also hate you
for not seeing me when you were in town.....


that's how i roll.

muah muah!
xo n

Meredith said...

all that good stuff... right back at ya!

The Belnaps said...

It is interesting how God works...just yesterday, I got a horrible phone call from a lady in my ward whom I had apparently offended. I apologized..said I was sorry and asked for her forgiveness...she said she would not be forgiving me...so I have had such anxiety over this stupid thing since then. I know i shouldn't be worrying over such a person, but I've never had someone so mad at me. Your comments were meant for me. Thanks for the insight. There are many, MANY people that love me and that is all that matters.

Angela said...

I'm giving a talk this Sunday on loving thine enemy. I've been a little stuck, but this just gave me some fuel. Thank you! =)

Mike and Amie said...

Thanks for that. It amazes me how truths shared can bless and comfort so many! I love you too! An I am one of the many I am sure!

Kelly said...

I have read your blog a few times, but I don't think I have ever commented (sorry). I just have to say, that you are absolutely amazing. Your unwaivering faith in God is admirable, and your ability to love others while in pain are just incredible. Thank you for sharing your art and your words with us. I am serious, it may sound cheesy, but you have inspired me like no other blogger out there.

Kelly said...

I have read your blog a few times, but I don't think I have ever commented (sorry). I just have to say, that you are absolutely amazing. Your unwaivering faith in God is admirable, and your ability to love others while in pain are just incredible. Thank you for sharing your art and your words with us. I am serious, it may sound cheesy, but you have inspired me like no other blogger out there.

apryl said...

your words ring true - i have personally focused way too much time on one person who has caused so much grief. i know that i shouldn't - it's a continuation of that grief & they don't deserve a moment of my time! such a simple idea to focus our energy on those who truly love & care for us.

thank you

RUBY said...

your awesome!!! good way of putting this...very true!

tammie billey said...


The Lazy House Wife said...

Much Love Thanks for reminding me. I'm such a people pleaser and can't figure out when I piss someone off