13 April, 2010

I heard it.

I hate this video from the depths of my soul.


. . . because I heard it.

and now,
all I hear is silence.

resounding, silence.

please, get your adult pertussis vaccination.





Ryan Armstrong said...

Listening gave me chills up my spine. Thank you for posting.

Anonymous said...

I had no idea that there was an adult vaccine. My oldest is allergic to the vaccine, 2nd dose almost did him in...why didnt any doctor tell me that *I* should have had the vaccine to keep him, and others, safe?

Thank you for spreading the word.

Thank you.

Natalie. said...

I didn't know either until this ordeal. Why don't they tell you when you're a the hospital delivering your baby? Why don't they give it to you before you are discharged?! It couldn't be that complicated to arrange.

shelly said...

This made me hyperventilate.

Anonymous said...

Horrible horrible sound. I used to see an ad on a sidebar of my email provider and never paid it much attention until I started reading your blog.
Had no idea adults spread this to their children. I have infant grandkids...I'm calling my doc tomorrow.

Heather said...

Yeah, I didn't know either until a few months ago. Every 10 years we're supposed to renew it. I went down to the Utah Health Department and got all caught up. It's a small price to pay for a such an important thing.

Casey Haughland said...

what an eye opener...
thank you for sharing natalie!

jenna said...

I, too, literally got chills. That sound.

Hil said...

oh my goodness... natalie... I can't believe that's what you had to hear your little baby suffer through. I am so very sorry... big hugs!

I am off in the next week or so to get my vaccination!!

Abby said...

I have no words...I had to mute it...my heart hurts for you...I don't want to be the person who could give a baby something like that...

JAR Photography & Design said...

OMG... that was a tough one. I have never heard of it either until your story. WOW.

Ashleigh said...

sick. to. my. stomach.

thanks for sharing. love you.

Alisha G. Robertson said...

Tears. chills. scared. sadness. That was haunting to hear... knowing that is what you went through. You are such a special soul and so is Gavin.

I have been following you for a while and have never commented but this rocked me... to the core.

jaya said...

That video made me cry. I can't imagine what you went through.

And I can say that hubby and I received our pertussis boosters in September 2009, due to the wisdom of our general practitioner who made sure we did. We had no idea about it until she brought it up to me while I was pregnant.

Melanie said...

My daughter had it last summer. Horrific. Our doc said that since the disease is on the rise (pretty much through this last decade) having a booster is relatively new. Around here, it is piggy backed with a tetanus vaccine.

Seriously, this disease was almost eradicated. Not now. Go get vaccinated. Your immune system can handle the vaccine. Don't be afraid. Do it.

My daughter was 16 when she had it. I could NOT imagine a child or an older person dealing with that disease. It was a rib-breaking, black-eye-making, horrific cough that lasted 100 days for her.

Thank you for getting the word out to vaccinate!

Come on....if you're reading this...just go get vaccinated. We all need to. Just do it.

Hugs to you, sweet mama.

Michelle said...

This gave me tears knowing that you went through that. Thanks so much for sharing that important, important video.

You are an amazing person.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing! I posted on my FB and will also link from my blog, this is too easy to prevent and people need to know! {{hugs}}

jennieo said...

I had to stop the video. I'm so sorry for you.

I was vaccinated already when my midwife recommended one after delivering my son. I would love to see this become standard.

Thank you for spreading the word.

ewitsgrace said...

i have also followed you for awhile, but never commented. but this, this brought tears to my eyes. im so so sorry for your loss. your such a strong women. good luck to you and your family. something amazing is coming your way.

Doin' It Digital (Shannon C.) said...

I left a comment, but it didn't work. This literally made me sick to my stomach for you, Gavin, and your family. I am so sorry!!! Can you get the vaccine while you are nursing, while pregnant? Aaah. You are amazing!

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry. I think of you every day. You are amazing. *hugs*

Anonymous said...

Im calling tomorrow to inquire and hopefully get this vaccine. Thanks for posting this, Natalie.

Annie Link said...

When I realized what this was, I debated not playing it at all. I felt faint--literally-- just thinking about what it would be like. I finally forced myself to watch, but had to hit mute before hitting play. I'm sorry, Natty. I will not. I.can.not. relive that excruciating experience.

Just thinking about it tears my heart right out.


Hannah said...

My hospital in Provo gave it to me before I was discharged with my baby.

What a sad sound! I am so sorry, Natalie.

Damaris @Kitchen Corners said...

Is that really what you heard? I can't imagine such a little baby making such a horrible noise. Poor baby, poor you and Richie. I am so sorry once again, I am so sorry over and over again.

I keep thinking of you and things, cards, treats, that I could send you in the mail. I think the best gift I can give you at this time is my promise that I'll get vaccinated asap. I'm calling my doctor tomorrow!

Kristen said...

They made me get the vaccine when my baby was born last March. I didn't know much about it but they were adamant. Yay, some doctors are paying attention! I saw this commercial a few times this week and of course thought of you. I'm so sorry. Love you.

Heather said...

Oh wow. Just this morning I took my 8 mo.
old in for some immunizations and while
there I thought of you and asked about the
Pertussis vaccine for me. Thank you. I would
never have thought about it otherwise. I am
in tears from that video, I had to stop it.

My heart aches for you. Big hug :)

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to let you know, if you get the chance I posted it to my blog as well! www.andreadawnphotography.com/blog

Chelsea said...

Oh, this is awful. I mean wonderful, and awful at the same time. I am calling my doctor tomorrow- really.

Jana Neser said...

That video was so hard to watch! It made my stomach turn thinking of Baby Gavin (and you and Richie, for that matter) having to go through that. They gave me the vaccine in the hospital after I had Jay and now Wes and his parents are getting it too. Thanks so much for posting this Natalie.

Kourtney said...

Hello Natalie,
I found your blog through all things thrift and i wept while reading your story. My family has felt sorrow as well. If you have time please check out my cousin-in-laws blog about the little girl she lost only 6 short years ago. Cute Sarah was also a patient at Primarys before relapsing she had done commercials for the hospital. I hope this gives you comfort. http://bottfamilie.blogspot.com/

Katie said...

So my sister just had her baby a week ago and her OBgyn recommended her and her husband get their Pertussis vaccines. They got them right there in the hospital. (I had told her to ask a few months ago... but she had forgotten.)

2 days before she had her baby... I went into work. I work at a nearby temple. One of my coworkers was out sick for a week. With none other than Pertussis. He had a Doctor's note saying he was no longer contagious. Still freaks me right out.

I am getting my husband and I vaccinated asap.

Ashley said...

Just wanted you to know that I heard about your story right before my daughter was born. When I was in the hospital, they offered to give me the vaccine before I left- and I couldn't say yes fast enough. Thank you for your story and for spreading the word and for potentially saving my child.

Unknown said...

Natalie, thank you for sharing this again. Seriously why don't they talk about it more? When Memms was in the hospital that was really the first time I had heard of it. Then when Millz was 3 months old she was sick and my doctor sent me straight to Primary's for all sorts of workups because she had a terrible sounding cough THANKFULLY she didn't have pertussis...but I think our doctor's should be saying MORE.

I know mine doesn't want to scare us...but GEEZ...if he had said something FOUR years ago...GAH. I just feel anger. Retweeting the heck out of this!


Stephanie said...

This totally just made me sick- and not just because I HATE thinking of you having to relive any of that pain but also because I have been meaning to make my appointment and it gets pushed aside AND NO MORE.

I am making the appointment FIRST THING TOMORROW MORNING.


G.B. said...

Oh Natalie...my heart breaks for you still. I cannot imagine what you have been thru but thank you for spreading the word and using your son's life to save others...thank you! I am praying for you....still!

Ashley said...

Posting this link on my blog. E-mailing to my family.

Nobody's going to be allowed near Gabe unless they've gotten vaccinated. Period.

You're in my prayers.

Tiffany said...

It was frightening to listen to that, I've never heard that cough before. As I'm sure watching and listening to that video breaks your heart. I am outraged that doctors are not recommending this vaccine when women deliver babies. At least give us the option and tell us the risks if we don't. We should all vaccine and spread the word. My heart weeps for you.

Anonymous said...

So powerful. Thanks. (and I will)

Rosanne said...

I cried hearing this. I cried for you. I'm so sorry you had to hear this...personally and again in this spot. But thank you for being brave enough to post it and tell others about it. I will talk to my doctor about it now. Thank you.

Jen said...

My son has pertussis last summer when he was 2. It was the first case our pediatrician had seen in the office since his residency 20 years earlier. That coughing is awful. It was so awful to see/hear him going through it.

You are in my thoughts.

Krista Hansen said...

So difficult to watch, but SO important! I was vaccinated on January 8th. Love your family and I think about you daily. Sending you love.

Lillian said...

My baby was born less than 8 weeks ago, and after following your story I was very adamant about getting myself vaccinated. So in the hospital I got my vaccine. And she's getting her first set of shots this Friday. I'm so sorry for your loss, I can't imagine what you're going through. But thanks to you and your desire to educate people, my daughter has a better chance of not contracting pertussis. We pray for your family often, sending you our love.

liko said...

good thing to be aware of. thank you. i was wondering if you knew, if a person gets it once, do they get immune to it? or can someone get it several times?? i think i read something a while ago about how you should only get it once and that's that. just curious. and if we got the vaccine as children, do we need to get another one as an adult?

Sarie said...

Getting my vaccine this week. I will be posting this video as well. Having a newborn in a few weeks...

Thanks for posting this Natalie!

Unknown said...

Natalie, thank you for the post! I'm so sorry you and Richie had to hear your son go through that. May God Bless him. I will see what I can get since I'm pregs.
Thank you!

sepa said...

great psa! thanks, natalie.

Natalie. said...


Your vaccination is good for 10 years. So the vast majority of us are due to have an update. Some doctor's offices do a combo called tdap.

Naomi said...

Natalie...I'm so thankful you shared this video and to know that a celebrity is making this awful disease known. I know that my son's passing from Pertussis sent a major message throughout our state about the disease and this made our state push for the the TDap vaccination, which was a bittersweet day for me when I got my shot. I cried that day. I know the silence you hear. Big hugs to you. Naomi

Valerie said...

Thank you for sharing. I also shared this video on facebook! Brings tears to my eyes.....

Sabrina said...

when my husband was in the military, I had ALL of my booster shots. The military docs insist upon it because the men on the ships and in the barracks live so closely packed-in. I had all of the boosters in 2 different appointments...then they have me the HPV vaccine too because I was just young enough to have it.

Anonymous said...

Hi Nat & all
In Australia the vaccine is currently free to all adults (and children of course) as there is an epidemic here at the moment too. When I had my little boy last september there was a big sticker put on the front of his baby record book highlighting the need for adults to have the vaccine. Hubby and I got it asap after he was born and no issues for me while nursing.

Nat, again, so sorry for your loss.

The Usletons said...

Wow that was rough. I can't even begin to imagine how that must have made you feel. I have a baby gavin and I think of you often. I am so sorry for your loss.

Anonymous said...

I can't even imagine hearing that sound from your sweet, tiny, baby and not being able to do anything to help. I am soo sorry you had to go through that, thank you soo much for sharing this. So many people are going against vaccines, but they are so important. Thank you for raising awareness!!!

Stefanie said...

Natalie -
Thanks for the heads up. Got my vaccination last night after seeing your post. I will continue to pray that the Lord heals your heart.

Gretchen said...

I had a baby 15 months ago. They offered the pertussis booster to me at the hospital and I declined, thinking there was absolutely no reason for me to have it.

I have learned so much. I am pregnant again and this time? I will say yes and gladly roll up my sleeve, figuratively speaking.

The Shoemate's said...

Triple checked Anna's records. She's good. The nurse that handle our shots tried to tell me that I didnt need it because I had the shots when I was younger. I told her I NEEDED to get the shot, if she wouldnt/couldnt give it to me...tell me where to go so i could. I told her why I NEEDED it. Why I WOULD get it.
She understood. She said to come right away. I got my booster. I didnt know I needed a booster...now I know...NOW I am good. THANK YOU. It cant be easy for you to bring this up...your an ANGEL for reminding us all why its so VERY VERY IMPORTANT.
Love you all.

Unknown said...

Your children are not your children.
They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself.
They come through you but not from you,
and though they are with you, yet they belong not to you.
You may give them your love, but not your thoughts.
For they have their own thoughts.
You may house their bodies but not their souls,
for their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow,
which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams.
You may strive to be like them, but seek not to make them like you.
For life goes not backward, nor tarries with yesterday.
~Kahlil Gibran

Susan said...

I contracted Pertussis when I was 5 months pregnant. It was horrible, horrible. I really thought I wasn't going to ever stop gasping for air. I should get vaccinated now just to be sure. Most people don't realize that it is ADULTS who give these things to children. I think I will repost this on my blog. Thank you for spreading the word.

Unknown said...

Oh I am just sooo sorry. We will be getting that ASAP. Thanks for the info. Seriously, why haven't I ever heard of this. WOW.

alli said...

Because of your story, I got the tdap vaccine last Thursday. Thank you for being willing to share this with us, so that we can spread the word.