05 February, 2010

Dear Sara.

Dear Sara,

You have my word,
while your Bronson fights,
I will pray.

and pray.

and pray.

my heart belongs to your sweet son,

I pray that God's will is aligned with ours.

Oh how I pray.

how.I.pray. . .

Please say yes.




ALL my love to you,
my forever friend I've yet to meet,



The Linfords said...

You continue to touch my life!!! I haven't ever met you, and I feel like I know you so well. It seems to be a small world. Sara is my neighbor and her sweet little boys were my little guys I used to nanny. I am just in amazement at how gracious people are! You are one of them! Thanks for posting this! It means a lot to me, and I am sure to the Stakers also.

Anonymous said...

this is almost unbearable for me... I can't even begin to imagine what the Stakers are feeling... desperate for an update...

praying praying praying

please God make him whole again...

Dana Sears said...

I am just sitting here...weeping
The Lord has given my Son many Miracles and I am praying for Baby B to be yet another Miracle.

Anonymous said...

Aussie Hugs and wishes to this beautiful family XX Danielle, Olivia and Charlotte XX

shelby said...

I just have to tell you what an inspiration you have been in my life. I am sorry for your loss, but you are so thoughtful, and commpaionit, and have such faith! Your words lift me up, and I am thinking of you always!

Katie said...

praying for precious bronson too!

Brandi said...

We are praying too. I now Heavenly Father loves us so much and I know he is feeling the despair they are feeling...What ever his will may be we are all praying for this beautiful family, for healing in every sense of the word. We are praying for you too!

richie said...

Love you babe!You're an inspiration to me too. I LOVE how you're influencing thousands to pray for baby Bronson and others around the world. I love Bronson too! Go B!

Anonymous said...

I have never commented on a persons blog I don't know but I had to drop in and thank you for being such an inspiration. I cannot even imagine your heartache and pain yet you reach out to others with such compassion. My testimony has been strenghened by your faith. You will be eternally blessed for the lives you have touched and the spirits you lift. Thank you for your example. (Thank You for sharing Sara's storying. Praying for her too.)

Rose Oakeson

The Gorringes said...

Thank you for being an example of courage and charity to me and so many others. I read your blog and think about you and your family often. I am so grateful for the opportunity to read the words of so many strong sisters like you and Sara. Thank you. You will forever have a place in my heart and a place in my prayers. I think about your boys and how they are dealing with the events that have transpired in your family. I have four children of my own and can only imagine what they are going with along with you. I will pray for them that they can feel the Lord's love and keep being little jedis and super heros. Keep smiling! Keep laughing! Love, friend from far away.

Cordie said...

You are simply amazing Natalie! Thanks for telling us about Sara. I am now praying for her and her family.

Ams said...

My prayers are being sent their way also.

Anonymous said...


Barb said...

Praying, pleading, thanking, praying, praying, praying.

marcy said...

thank you-mostly for inspiring me to be a better person, friend, wife, daughter, sister, and servant. your blog has changed me. i have been following your story closely, and am now following sara's as close-because of you. thank you for spreading the word and THE WORD. God holds you in the palm of His hand. i am becoming a better person because of you, so thank you.

Grandma K said...

Sweet Natalie, My heart goes out to you today. I am so sorry to hear about your perfect little son. I am amazed at the love and support you have shown to Sara and her little one Bronson. I am sure you two were special friends in the worlds before. True love like that knows no bounds. Sending prayers and love to "two sisters" {{{HUGS}}}

Jen Nelson said...

You have opened my eyes to the gift I am given everyday. Your blog has made me stop time for one minute each day and be thankful for my little boy. I hug him, I kiss him and I tell him I love him. Just me and him in that one moment. I am so sorry for your loss, but know that you have given me a gift. Your words, pains and prayers bring life to my day.

Kristen's mom said...

I can't even imagine what Sara must be going through. All of us are praying for her and her sweet Bronson.

Angie said...

Natalie, you have been such an inspiration to me. I continue to keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. I have never been so touched by someone that I have never met ... but you are an amazing woman. Little Gavin was so lucky to have you as his momma! And, to answer your post from a few days ago, this is exactly what it felt to be on this side of things ... all you can do is pray, but you feel so helpless. I am anxious for an update ... praying for Baby B and hoping that Sara feels much love at this time. xoxoxox

Jules said...

Natalie, Thanks for sharing your beautiful thoughts... your words are helping me face a difficult trial of my own.
Sending lots of love your way-
Oh,got some good hugs from your Mom and Dad today... once again, your family is touching my life for good.

Brady and Rachel said...

Praying praying praying for baby B. But don't forget, praying for you too!

Chipper62 said...

Natalie, I read your blog last evening before going to bed as my wonderful daughter Shallyse who is a fellow photographer had told me your story and had a link on her blog. I went to bed sobbing, having been touched by both yours and Sara's stories. Here is what I felt:

Your words are so eloquently spoken

I am in awe of your faith & testimony

You have such compassion for others even though you too are going through such a difficult trial of your own

You are truly an inspiration to so many.

I too will be praying for Bronson and his family as well as you and yours that our Heavenly Father will hold you tight.

Today (Monday 2/8) my nephew's little guy Carter who turned 4 in December will be undergoing open heart surgery at PCMC as a result of a congenital heart defect at birth. They were hoping to wait until he was much older but it has become necessary now.

We know our Heavenly Father will hold him and his family close also.

If you want to check out his site on Facebook it is http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/group.php?gid=242930189319

Thanks for being who you are and God Bless you for all you do.

Leslie said...

i want you to know that our family has been praying for 'gavin & his family', then just 'gavin's family' (knowing that gavin is in a wonderful place and is fine) and now we will add 'bronson & his family' to our prayers. thank you for sharing your story, your faith, but most of all thank you for your example. you have carried on with such grace, charity, and love. it inspires me.

Natalie. said...


Tweeted prayer requests! Praying praying praying!



ParkerMama said...

Your heart.

Your faith.

Your soul.

Makes me want to be a better person.

Thank you for your inspiration.

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for sharing this. I started following Sara's blog and realized this morning that Bronson is awake and alert and doing better. Praise God! You will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers as you walk this new journey. - Edna

Sara said...

Oh, sweet, sweet Natalie...
In the midst of our crisis, you have been an unexpected pillar of strength. A life preserver cast out into our endless churning ocean of despair. How can we ever express enough thanks? For you? Your words? Your faith? Your prayers? Your army? Now our army? I will forever be in your debt... Oh how I wish I could have prayed for your sweet Gavin. Been at your side in faith during your darkest days. I simply didn't know... But I pray for him now. His brothers. His daddy. You. I pray for you all. My dear friends. You, my sweet sister in spirit, will be dear to me forever.
Hugs across the miles~ Sara