26 January, 2010


There are a few things in my life
for which I feel indescribable PASSION.

My family.



Yes sir.



but I have to admit.
Post baby numero quatro?


Can I get an "ow "to the "ch"?


Anonymous said...

Ha. maybe i'll enjoy it in a couple weeks when i don't want to pass out during the first pose...

Natalie. said...

Oh my gosh Lindsay. For real. When I got home Richie asked how it want and I seriously couldn't even answer. I was just like, "uh, give me a couple weeks." Barf.

Anonymous said...

you: don't know me
i: don't know you
and yet
i. love. your:words
i. love. your:baby
i. find. myself. loving:you


liko said...

amen to that!!
now you make me wanna do yoga...and it's nearly midnight....

Erika said...

i miss doing yoga- perhaps it's time i went back.

i gave birth to stillborn twin daughters 18 months ago, and although i know what i went through is very different from what you are going through, i just want you to know you're in my prayers and on my heart...grief is a long road, and it does get easier, and eventually i think we all learn to live with a new normal in order to survive the pain... praying for peace for you and your sweet family.



Anna Kim said...

Hey Natalie,

It was good meeting you yesterday at Mike Colon's workshop. I was reading your blog and am so grateful for your words and insight.


Anonymous said...

adopt from Haiti! Share that love with someone who has lost so much also. I think about it all the time.

Bridget said...

I, too, love yoga. I tried it for the first time about a month after my son died and found myself on a natural high I'd only felt once before after the natural birth of my first son. Yes, yoga is sent from heaven. Namaste.

I've also considered the Haiti adoption possibility. This group: www.utahhospitaltaskforce.blogspot.com will be bringing some orphans to Utah in about a month. They want them to live in the same communities to keep some cultural ties/language together. I'm in Seattle and not Salt Lake, so maybe we'd have to get a group of people in my area who also wanted to adopt. We'll see.

Ams said...

I should try Yoga... that might help me.
I need something to release this tension in my life... I suppose that would help right?!

annie said...

OH MY!!!!
I can remember stretching and easily slipping into poses and holding them because it felt so GOOD.
I can hardly balance on one leg anymore and the "OW", "OH CRAP", has definitely entered my vocab!

Molly said...

where did you go? I've been looking for a good yoga place around here!

Ashley said...

Yoga is great....all though I often find myself in a puddle of tears by the end. I might have some issues. :)

Unknown said...

I've thought about it. But too afraid to scare people off with the sound of my cracking joints :(

Michelle Jones said...

Hey Natalie,
I am teaching yoga on Tuesdays and yesterday during the final relaxation, I quoted your thoughts on faith from the "prayers of faith" post.

Ya, you're on my mind THAT much.

It's not just your readers that are touched by your soul, but all the friends of your readers as well.

But, back to yoga: Doesn't it feel AMAZING to just exhale?!!??!!

Natalie. said...

Erika, I'm sorry about your twins. :( Thank you for reaching out.

Natalie. said...

Bridget, it is so healing isn't it? It's like when you grieve it's on a cellular level. . . yoga helps you purify all those cells and let go of so much pain. Hard to do, but so healing!

Natalie. said...


During the first savasana I totally broke into tears. It's right after the whole standing series. I laid down and just lost it. Luckily I was REALLY sweaty, so I'm certain no one noticed.

Natalie. said...


that's super cool. all of it!