07 January, 2010

Gavin David Bruce Norton

Gavin David Bruce Norton
October 24, 2009-January 7, 2010

For the last few days,
our baby was the most
loved and prayed for baby
in the world.

Thank you for that.
God is real.
God is good.

Because of the atoning sacrifice and resurrection of
Jesus Christ,
we will live together again.


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Rebekah said...

I had a baby boy just a few days before you. I can't even comprehend what it would be like to lose him. I am so sorry for your loss. My prayers are with you and your family.

Ciara Brehony said...

I am heartbroken for you.

There are no words. There are no words.

Erin said...

I don't know you at all, My friend posted about your family on facebook a few days ago, so I tuned in.

You are in my prayers, I am so sorry for your loss! You faith and testimony in God inspire me.

Much Love.

Harriet said...

Crying with you and your family,
Praying for you,
Hoping for better days ahead,
Knowing that it may be a long time before you see him in heaven, but for him, it will be no time at all, like the blink of an eye.
Only happiness from here on out for him.

Bluepaintred said...

:o( i was so full of hope.

I cannot even begin to express my sorrow for your loss

Mallory said...

I'm so so so sorry for your loss... my prayers are with you during this difficult time.

Bethany said...

I do not know you..
I do not even know your name...
You will probably never know me...
But your story has touched me over the past few days...
I have prayed for you, for your son...
I wish I would've prayed harder, longer...
But I will continue to pray...
I am devastated on your behalf.

What an incredible baby, an incredible story, and incredible hope you portrayed...you have touched many, and will continue to touch many with this story.

Know that you are being lifted up and are in the hands of God as you endure these difficult moments, days, weeks.

Sending hugs your way all the way from Ohio...

Anonymous said...

I lack the words to express my sympathies for your family on the loss of your sweet son, Gavin. May his namesake be with him and keep watch over him until you are all reunited in Heaven.

Gibson Gang said...


Our love and prayers are with your family. I am overwhelmed with sadness for you... but also hope. Thank you for that.


Linds and the fam

Widiger Family said...

Natalie, Richie, and the boys,
thanks for sharing Gavin's fight and your coping with us.
Nobody can really imagine what you're all going through.
As so many others (those you know as well as total strangers) did, we too joined in prayer and thought to share this moment with you.
Let's hang on ... together.

Lacey said...

I'm so sorry for your loss. Gavin must be an incredible person to be taken up to live with God again and you WILL see him again. Your testimony is amazing and inspiring to all of us.

Amanda said...

i am so sorry for your loss. keep strong and remember that you WILL have the opportunity to raise your sweet boy in the next life. My prayers are with you and your family.

Angie said...

I'm very sorry for your loss.

Rhiannon said...

So, so sorry Natalie. My thoughts are with you & your family during the terrible time.

kristin said...

As a new mother my heart is breaking for you. Your family is in my prayers.

Desiree' said...

I'm just in shock. I'm so sorry. We'll keep you in our prayers. And just as you said he's "leaving the hospital a vision of health". He's not in anymore pain. He's perfect. We're sending our love your way until the time comes when you will see him again. Love you!

c r y s t a l said...

Oh, Natalie. I am heartbroken for you and your family. I have no words. I only know that God is good, and He worked wonders in people's hearts through Gavin and his short life. Your faith is inspiring. How blessed and loved Gavin was to have a mother like you!!

May God give you and your family a peace right now that surpasses all understanding. Gavin is resting with his Heavenly Father. And what a most precious angel you have watching over you now.

Prayers and love from Arkansas.

Melanie said...

What incredible faith you have. Thanks for sharing! I thank Heavenly Father every day for eternal blessings. You have given me such a desire to show my 2 little blessings more love than I have in the past. Thank you again. I will continue to pray for you!

Candace said...

I can't express the sadness I feel at this moment in words. My heart is broken for you.

Godspeed little man..

Ams said...

I absolutely broken for your loss. Many prayers and all of my love being sent your way. *hugs*

Coree Keenan said...

May you feel loved, supported and lifted up by my prayers.

Sheila said...


I lost my little boy as a baby, too. I'm so sorry. Christopher would be thirteen now.

I posted a video on YouTube of my prayer for parents who have lost babies here, called "A Prayer Through Tears". I hope it blesses you.

Regina said...

We are so sorry to hear that Gavin (the fighter he was) lost this battle with mortality. This perfect child of God has finished his job here on earth and is now waiting to be reunited with his family in the eternities. This trial in your life will only make you stronger (even if you don't feel it right now). Just remember that HE loves you, Gavin loves you, we love you, and many other people all around the world love you!

Anonymous said...

To say that I am sorry is an understatement. You are a bright light and an example of how to live through unimaginable and unbearable pain with grace and unshaken faith. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. I pray you all find peace. God bless you and God bless the brave and beloved Baby Gavin.

Shar said...

I'm so sorry for your loss. My heart goes out to you and your family during this difficult time. Your faith has been such an inspiration to me. May your little Gavin rest in peace.

Kerry said...

My heart is breaking for you. But your faith is so amazing and will no doubt get you through. You will continue to be in my prayers.


Leadership Learning said...

I've been following Gavin's story on twitter and by blog and I'm so sorry to hear of this sad news. I can't begin to imagine what you must be going through. Our thoughts are with you and your family. Know that he is safe with the rest of the angels.

Buckland Family said...

Oh Natalie, I can't even breath. I am so so so sorry! You are in our prayers! I am at a loss for words. We love you so much and are thinking of you constantly. May God lift you up and bare this for you!

Brandie said...

Stay Strong, my prayers will continue for your family.

amandanbo said...

continued prayers for you and your family...your faith is a beautiful thing...one day you will be in each others arms again.such a beautiful boy.

Amy said...

You have lived through what all of us as parents fear. May the atonement and love of the savior heal your hearts, your minds and give you strength for tomorrow. We will be praying for your family.

The Hunt Family said...

My heart breaks for you. I am so sorry for your loss. I told 10 people about your Gavin today...so 10 more people know of your sweet boy and more good thoughts are sent your way.

Hugging my kids close tonight, tomorrow and every second in between.

Robin said...

Im a friend of Taylor's and just wanted to say thank you. It's not easy to proclaim the good news of the gospel amidst trial. I pray your heart will soon be healed.

Lace said...

I am praying for peace and comfort for your family. My heart is broken for you. This special little spirit will be in my thoughts. He must have been too good and perfect for this world, the Lord must have a tremendous amount of faith in you to know you could do this for your little Gavin. Thank you for sharing your story. Lots of love.

p.s. my word verification below is "ferever" I don't think it is coincidental. He is yours forever.

Christina LeMarr & Susan Hanson said...

I'm so sorry. May God comfort you with his loving grace.

natalie said...

My thoughts are of your sweet boy and my prayers are with you.

Timena said...

I'm sorry for your loss. My heart breaks for you because as a mother losing a child is a very devastating thing. I lost a child too and the only thing that got me through it all was my faith in Heavenly Father and in the love of our Savior. Remember: "The Lord will never allow us to suffer beyond what we can endure." It's going to bumpy for a while (trust me I know) but keep the faith and hold tight to it and you'll come out alright.

Nicole said...

My heart hurts for you and your family. Many blessings to you during this extremely difficult time.

Kobi said...

Natalie, we don't know each other. A friend of mine requested prayer for your son. I am so sorry for your loss. My heart is broken for you and tears are running down my face. I am praying for you and your family.

"Love or Perish" - W. H. Auden said...

thank you for your faith. thank you for letting me pray for you. thank you for reminding me to love my kids more. may God continue to see you through this pain. love your sister in zion, tala

Anonymous said...

Baby Gavin's life, though short, has touched so many - thank you for sharing him with all of us...thank you also for your example of great faith. Our most heartfelt condolences to your family as you deal with the physical separation from baby Gavin but know that you will see him again. FAMILIES ARE FOREVER!

David Niu Family

Shannon said...

If there is anyway any of us can help do let us know. I wish you all the peace and love.

I even wrote a blog post dedicated to your brave little boy: http://shannonnicolesmith.com/blog/2010/01/one-of-many/

Nicole said...

My heart breaks for you...I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your sweet little boy. I am so grateful for our Savior Jesus Christ and the wonderful gift that he gave us. I know that you will be with your son again and I know that while you anxiously await that day he will be with your family constantly in spirit. My thoughts and prayers are with your family to help heal the heartache you have.

Familia Glomski said...

You are all in our thoughts and prayers. I hope that the wonderful memories of your sweet baby boy fill your heart during this difficult time.

Hilde said...

At a loss of words.
Sending you all my best thoughts.

Anne Raker said...

I'm so sorry for your incredible loss, and so inspired by your beautiful faith.

Andrea said...

My heart broke when I saw that Gavin passed away. Just know that I will keep praying for you and your family.

Laura said...

May God be the wind beneath your wings during this time. I am so sorry. Now there are two very special angels looking out for you right now.

Mique (as in Mickey) said...

Natalie I am SO sorry. I know words don't mean much right now. Just know that there's a whole community supporting you and your family. Thoughts are with you.

Anonymous said...

Dear Gavin,

I wanted to meet you. I wanted to know you and I wanted to herald your recovery as a gift from our Father. HOWEVER, the Father gave you the greatest gift which was to remove you from this world of torment, trial and tribulation and to reward you with eternal life in His loving arms.

Your parents are broken over your going home, but because of their faith in those things that are not seen, you will see them again when you turn around.

May I get to know you in the heavenly realms and may we worship together and toast the faith of your parents, that goes beyond measure.

Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God almighty, God in three persons, blessed Trinity!

Gavin, never has one so little touched so many so deeply.



Emily Kate said...

I'm heartbroken for you. But your faith and testimony is amazing. I will continue to pray for you and your family.

Melanee said...

My heart breaks for you. I am so sorry for your loss. Our thoughts and prayers are with you at this time. No words can touch the pain you feel, we share the same faith... but it doesn't make it "easy" to deal with. I hope you find peace and joy soon.

Beth S said...

Natalie and Richie I am heart broken for you and your loss. Sending love and hugs.

Bud & Kim said...

Deepest sympathies to you and your family during this difficult time. Your faith and conviction is inspiring and like you I'm certain he is resting peacefully in the arms of the savior.

Jill K said...

Your faith inspires me. I am so so sorry for your loss.

Pamela said...

Your faith has given me strength. I am sorry! The Lord has an eternal plan for your family.

Alyssa said...

I just started reading your blog today, but I started on Dec. 24 and when I read your latest post, my heart just broke for you and your family. I don't even know you and I am weeping for you. What a special little boy, and what a special family. I lost my sister and 12-day-old nephew in a car accident and I know what you mean when you said that you could literally feel other people's prayers. Just know that we will be praying for you. My heart goes out to you and your family.

Chelsea said...

i am sorry for your loss.

Anonymous said...

Natalie, I do not know you personally, but my heart breaks for you and your family. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

Veeda said...


I found you through Jon and have been following your lovely blog.

I am so sorry for your loss. You are a beautiful person and I am inspired by your example. My thoughts and prayers are with your family.

much aloha, veeda

Christine said...

So sorry for the loss of your precious little one. Your family will be in my prayers.

{lindy baker cakes} said...


I'm sorry to post again. You have many many comments to read. I was just reminded of this song by Natalie Grant called Held. Whenever you have any time at all look this song up. It's on playlist.com. Here are the lyrics:

"Two months is too little
They let him go
They had no sudden healing
To think that providence
Would take a child from his mother
While she prays, is appalling
Who told us we'd be rescued
What has changed and
Why should we be saved from nightmares
We're asking why this happens to us
Who have died to live, it's unfair

This is what it means to be held
How it feels, when the sacred is torn from your life
And you survive
This is what it is to be loved and to know
That the promise was when everything fell
We'd be held

This hand is bitterness
We want to taste it and
Let the hatred numb our sorrows
The wise hand opens slowly
To lilies of the valley and tomorrow

This is what it means to be held
How it feels, when the sacred is torn from your life
And you survive
This is what it is to be loved and to know
That the promise was when everything fell
We'd be held
If hope is born of suffering
If this is only the beginning
Can we not wait, for one hour
Watching for our savior
This is what it means to be held
How it feels, when the sacred is torn from your life
And you survive
This is what it is to be loved and to know
That the promise was when everything fell
We'd be held
We'd be held

This is what it is to be loved and to know
That the promise was when everything fell
We'd be held

This is what it means to be held....."

Adri said...

I am friends with Jennifer, I use to work at the dr's office she works at. I am so terribly sorry for your huge loss. Your family is in my thoughts and prayers.

Gillett's said...

My heart goes out to you. At times we don't know WHAT the future HOLDS, but we DO KNOW WHO HOLDS THE FUTURE! My thoughts & prayers are with you and your whole family-I ditto ALL the LOVE & thoughts that are already written and hope that they will help get you through those tough days.

All my LOVE & respect, Brooke Gillett & family (Alpine)

Kaila said...

praying for you!!! Your faith is beautiful and real.. God is good all the time, even when it hurts. I can really feel your pain as I too remember the cooling blanket, wishing for pee, knowing Jesus was in Control and always is! Steven Curtis Chapman's new cd will be a blessing in your life! Blessings to you!

MommyB said...

Sending many prayers and hoping you have an amazing celebration with him in heaven.

carriedanna said...

I have prayed, cried and am now heartbroken.
but i want to thank you for your courage to share, to ask for prayer, to be bold with faith and hope.

you have inspired me and challenged me.
I have shared and spoken openly to people about Gavin and prayed with others for him

I have been more open before the Lord in a way that i have not been in a long time. thank you for letting me read your journey.
I will not stop praying for your family. I will rememeber Gavin.
and i will remember the Lord.

God is real. God is good.

Anonymous said...

I am very sorry for your loss. My thoughts are with you and your family.

Jennifer from Canada said...

I am so sorry...I live in Calgary, Alberta, Canada and learned of your situation from a friend that follows your blog. I have been checking every day since then. I am so incredibly sorry for your loss. Word can not express my heartfelt sorrow for you and your family.

May God bless you and your family.


c r y s t a l said...

I just read the Dear Natalie blogpost that you wrote EXACTLY one year ago today. And I am weeping. I cannot stop the tears from coming. Yes, I am completely heartbroken....as heartbroken as a stranger can be. But I also cry tears of Joy through Christ's love for you. I feel a HOPE for you and your family after reading that blogpost. And the fact that it was exactly one year ago gives me chills throughout my being. And I FEEL God's presence all around you and your family. From across the ocean I feel it.

I am a stranger to you, and I hope I am not speaking out of my place, but I envision baby Gavin being snuggled by his Uncle Gavin. Together they are smiling down on you and your family knowing that they will see you again.

Joy Florell said...

Oh wow, I cannot imagine the sense of loss. I am so sorry.
What a testimony you are for our Lord Jesus. You will see your precious baby again!
I pray God continues to bring you comfort and use your story to bring others closer to Him.

cindy said...

So sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Your faith is truly an inspiration. God Bless you and sweet baby Gavin.

Luka Ranks Merit Badges said...

Your baby, you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. God is great and you will have the most magnificent reunion with your son when the time comes.

Maison Douce said...

I a so sorry for your loss, I am a mother of four and my heart is aching for you!!!! I cannot even begin to imagine the pain you must be going through... My thoughts and prayers are with you!

Alyse French said...

Heavenly Father, Grant Natalie and the entire Norton family with a peace like they have never known. Give them a severe knowledge that they will see their little Gavin again, as he has been healed and made whole in Your arms.

Alyse French said...

Heavenly Father, Grant Natalie and the entire Norton family with a peace like they have never known. Give them a severe knowledge that they will see their little Gavin again, as he has been healed and made whole in Your arms.

shannon - SNS said...


well, i was so struck by this story and i wanted to help in anyway, so i created a graphic that everyone can share on their blogs, sites, twitter, etc, to show the family loads and loads of support.

i know it seems small, but i hope that it helps in some way. i couldn't think of anything else to do to help, and i thought maybe if we could use a graphic like this to show our continuing support for her and her family.

here's the link to the graphic (i tried to post the image itself but it wont let me): http://shannonnicolesmith.com/blog/2010/01/one-of-many/

Heather Lee said...

You are such a strong mommy and woman. Gavin and your other boys are lucky to have you. Our prayers are still with you.

Christine Elizabeth said...

Sending prayers for peace, not only now, but in the days and weeks to come as well. I'm so sorry that anyone ever has to go through this. Your faith is an amazing example, and I know that God is using you to touch people's hearts! Thank you for sharing during this difficult time. I will continue to pray.

j,d and little b said...

Your strength will get you through this... and everyone's prayers will help guide your way. Natalie I am desperately sorry for your loss. He is such a precious boy and your are such a special women. My heart goes out to you and your family. God is with you

Ryan, Melissa, and Family said...

Natalie I have a poem called "The Broken Chain" and I am not sure who the author is but it reminded me of you and thought I would share it.

We little knew that morning that God was going to call your name.

In life we loved you dearly,
in death we do the same.

It broke our hearts to lose you,
you did not go alone;

for part of us went with you,
the day God called you home.

You left us peaceful memories,
your love is still our guide;

and though we cannot see you,
you are always at our side.

Our family chain is broken,
and nothing seems the same;

but as God calls us one by one,
the chain will link again.

Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family in this hard time. May you find comfort & peace. We love you!

Anonymous said...

Hi again Natalie,

I have been thinking of you guys all day. It is our human thing to question some of God's decisions. We should believe that all of them are made for some, maybe unknown for now, reason. We will pray for your strength at this very difficult time. Hang in there. Love.

Brantford, Canada

Leslie said...

God bless you and your family. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

bb said...

I am so very sorry for your loss. I hope you find peace and strength soon.

Kjrsten said...

thank you for sharing your testimony, thank you for showing me- a stranger your faith and courage, thank your for being a shining example of motherhood. You are beautiful. What a beautiful life you lead. Praying for your son has blessed my own life this week. Thank you for that. I weep for you. I will continue to pray for you and your family.

Jamie Spanos said...

I'm so very sorry for you loss of your sweet baby. I had a baby boy two weeks after you that was still born. I know that our hevanly father loves us and it taking care of mine and now also your little one. Much love from me and I will pray for you and your family.

Anonymous said...

So sorry for your loss. You don't know me, but I follow someone you know on Twitter. Just know that there is some stranger in Florida whose family will be praying for you and your family tonight. Godspeed.

Jill said...

I'm so sorry. I'm glad you have a firm faith in the Plan of Salvation and in a loving Heavenly Father to get you through this...along with the prayers and well wishes of thousands. You're right - you WILL live together again.

-Jill and Kenny Brady (Fotofafa)

Mandy said...

Natalie, You're right you will live together with him again...in the meantime our prayers and thoughts are with you and your family.

"During your times of trial and suffering,
when you see only one set of footprints,
it was then that I carried you." - footprintd in the sand.

V said...

I am so sorry for your loss my prayers are with you and your family.

Unknown said...

I'm so very sorry for your loss. May Gavin be held in the arms of our Savior Jesus Christ until the day he is back in your arms again. After reading your blog it sounds like you are LDS and if so I know you know that you will see your son again. May you find peace in your life and know that people all around this world have prayed for sweet baby Gavin. I can't imagine how hard this must be for you.

Marylin said...

Words just aren't enough to express how sad I feel for you. Sending you all my love. xx

Exquisite Accessories said...

I have just read your heart renching story, Nat I am so sorry for your loss, your are an amazing woman of such strengh, I know Gavin will be watching over you like a shining star, my thoughts are with you from Queensland Australia.

Zobrist Family said...

I'm heart broken for you! We will be praying for you!

Natalie Moser said...


I'm so sorry for you and your family. I hope that this huge outpouring of emotion, prayer, goodwill, and love will help you through this difficult time in the life of your family. Again, I'm just so sorry.


Natalie Moser

Angelique said...

I am so incredibly sorry. I can't imagine what you are going through. Our thoughts and prayers are continually with you and your family.

Unknown said...

Hi you dont know me but my thoughts and prayers have been with Gavin. He was just too good incredibly pure and noticeably perfect to live on this earth. He came got a body and now God needs him...that knowledge helped me when I lost my father years ago. May peace and comfort surround you and yours.

Colten and Melissa Rogers said...

Our prayers are with your family at this difficult time.

Anonymous said...

I am so very sorry. My heart aches for you.. you and your family are in my prayers. God is good. The Lord has made it possible for us to be together forever, but my heart still aches, Tears for a child that isn't even mine. A family I have never even met. I pray that you will be able to have peace and I know you will be with him again.

Thank you for your faith in Christ and our Father in Heaven. He truly is the only way, and you gave me more hope and love today than you'll ever know.

Emily Ruth said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Amanda :-) said...

My absolute condolences to you all at this incredibly sad time. I rejoice, though, in your unshakeable faith in God and your knowledge that He holds Gavin with a strength and a care we cannot fathom. I hope you can find comfort in the words all these friends are offering you. Amanda xx

Danise said...

My heartfelt prayers continue to be with you and your family during this time of loss. May our Lord carry you through.

Renee said...

I weep for you now because I know your pain and loss. There is nothing comparable and I will pray for you to have continued strength and faith. Your strength is a testament to your faith in God. May He be with you and your family in the long days ahead.

In Christ's Peace,


The Sandy Bottom Crew said...

I am so sorry for your loss. He was such a beautiful baby boy. And yes, you will see him again. In all his fullness and glory. We will pray for you and your family.

Shannon Flores said...

I've been praying for the last few days for you and Gavin and your family, I'm so deeply sorry for your loss. You are right though...families can be together forever, through Heavenly Father's plan. I will continue to pray for peace and comfort for you and your family during this difficult time.

Unknown said...

Natalie- you don't know me but I just saw someone tweet about you & baby Gavin. I am so sorry for your loss. My heart was breaking as I read your posts. Our prayers are with you & your family.

Kea said...

Thank you for sharing him with us.

<3 <3 <3

Heidi said...

Our thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family! I'm so sorry for your loss. Your faith is so inspiring!

heidi said...

I pray that your family will continue to have such grand faith and comfort to carry you through. I'm sure his uncle greeted him with open arms.

Jenn said...

Natalie- I am so truly sorry for your loss. Though no words can mend you right now, know that even though you have lost so much what you have given to so many is immense. Your faith, true, blind faith has been such an example to so many. May people grow in His name because of you.

Holli said...

We love you and continue to think of you and pray for your sweet, sweet family.

Nichole said...

I heard of your story through my sister. I cannot even comprehend your loss. You seem like an absolutely wonderful and loving mother, and my heart aches for you. You and your family remain in my prayers. God bless you, your family and sweet baby Gavin.

Kristen said...

An Account has been set up for the Norton Family to ease some burden.

Please Give. And spread the word.

American Savings Bank
Natalie and Richie Norton
Account ending in 1351

or by Paypal at www.bebeloo.blogspot.com

John and Sarah said...

I'm so sorry. I will be praying for comfort and peace for your family and happy memories of your precious baby boy.

Kristen said...

Clarification: If you live in Hawaii, go to any branch. If you live far away, use Paypal at www.bebeloo.blogspot.com or send to:
American Savings Bank
55-510 Kam Hwy
Laie, HI 96762

Love you, Natalie and Richie.

Megan Martineau said...

I want to express my sorrow for your loss. God bless you in your trials. Your baby Gavin is in His arms now. That veil was so thin for him these months... I know angels were with him every moment.

Amber said...

May the Lord hold you in his hands during this horrendous time. My thoughts & prayers will continue you to be with you & yours while you struggle to adjust to your new "normal."

Gentle hugs.

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry for your loss. In his short time, Gavin brought together so many in prayer and so much positive energy. Be proud.

You and your family are an inspiration for so many, and will continue to be in our thoughts and prayers.

tom said...

I am very sorry. My sincere heart felt thoughts are with you and Baby Gavin.

Laura said...

Many prayers coming your way.

Jenny said...

I am so so sorry for the hurt you are feeling right now. Remember your Heavenly Father loves you very much and you will live with your little Gavin again.

Marissa Rodriguez said...

I am so sorry for your loss. Sending positive thoughts and prayers your way.

Gisela Holguin said...

heartbroken. i'm SO sorry for you & your family's loss... may Gavin rest in peace.... the sweet baby heaven peace there is! stay strong. in my prayers...
- gisela & family


I'm here. Hugging all of you.

Ellery said...

I heard of your sweet baby Gavin from two different places yesterday. One on Facebook and one from my sister. I prayed for him. You have been in my thoughts ever since. As a mother I can't imagine what you have gone through. As I read your posts, I am overflowing with tears my heart breaking for you, at the same time I am filled with your spirit, INSPIRED by your faith and strength. You are an amazing woman and it's no wonder why this beautiful boy was placed in your hands. May you feel the peace that your baby boy now does. You will continue to be in my prayers and thoughts.

Bee said...

I am so very sorry for your loss. I cannot imagine the pain you are going through right now, but my thoughts are with you and your family :(

Ann said...

"Be still and know that I am...." the Lord is by your side
holding your tiny angel until you can again.
My prayers and heart go out to you and all those in
need at this time.

Brian in Vancouver said...

I am sooooooo sorry for your loss. ((((((((hugs)))))))))) for you and the family.


Lacy Rane said...

Gavin did leave the hospital perfect, although I am so so sorry that it was not with you and Richie. Your brother will take good care of him for you. Our thoughts and prayers will remain with you and your family for a very long time.

Silisia said...

Tender, healing blessings to you and your family.

Rafał Chałgasiewicz said...

This little angel is sitting just in front of You, looking at You with his pretty eyes, saying there's nothing to worry about and that he's safe... waiting. My thought are with you.

I niech kochający Bóg Wam błogosławi w tych ciężkich momentach.

The Mermaid Cottage said...

Prayers for your family during this strange and difficult time. God bless you all!

Marie said...

You don't know me, I started reading your blog through heidi. But I just want you to know that I think Your faith is amazing!! Thank you for your unwavering testimony. Your family is in our thoughts and prayers.

Budget Mama said...

Gavin will live on in the hearts of his family and everyone whose lives he touched. My heart goes out to you and your family, and I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry for your loss. My prayer is that you may stay strong through this tremendous test of your faith. I admire your testimony, and I am so grateful that you have shared it with so many. May God grant you the peace you so desperately need right now. You are an example to us all.

Emily Ruth said...

From one baby-lost mother to another, I am unspeakably sorry for your loss. I pray the Lord will allow me to bear a portion of your grief, as I know nothing I can say will lessen what you feel.

Megs said...

Thinking of you and praying for you all. I am so sorry.

Robbie said...

Our prayers are still going out for you, as well as our tears. you are a beautiful family. thank you for your examples and for keeping us posted on Gavin's health. I'm so sorry you didn't get to spend more than 2 months with your precious baby here on earth, but I too know that you will be together again. What a special guy that was so good he didn't need to suffer the pains of mortal life for very long. Again, we love you guys and pray for you still.
Robin and Scott Mikolyski

sarah.elizabeth<3 said...

oh, i am so sorry.. it's great that we can all live with our loved ones again. i love how you have brought so many people together in faith. when i saw over 700 comments, i thought "natalie norton is truly amazing and an inspiratioin"

your little one is with God now and i'm sure he is very greatful for your faith and being part of a wonderful family and for the opportunity to be with you forever. :]

Jocelyn said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this very sad time, and with baby Gavin with the angels.

Lisa said...

Thank you for sharing your story, your faith and your example. My heart cries with you and your family over the loss of such an innocent baby! You are in our prayers!

M & J Massey said...

The inspiration I have felt from you the last few days has been amazing. Thank you for sharing this struggle with us. Your faith is so great, I know God will bless you and yours at this most tragic time. Much love to you, your family, and your parents.
Marilyn Massey

Shar said...

I came to your blog through Sheena's blog.

I am so sorry for your loss. My heart aches for you and your family. Love from New Mexico!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Natalie, I am so sorry for your loss. Gavin is beautiful. My heart is heavy with your sorrow. Please know that I care. I am praying for your comfort and strength. I would love to mail you a handkerchief from my ministry called For Your Tears. I would love to have your full name & address to send this to you.
May God surround in a blanket of His love. Debby

The Prigmore Family said...

Our hearts and prayers continue to go out to you and ALL of your boys.

Sarah said...

My heart hurts so badly for your family as you are forced to face a life without your precious baby boy...I am truly and utterly heartbroken for you... But I also praise God that you will see his sweet face again. Little Gavin is in the arms of his Maker, where he is perfect and whole, and will never again experience pain or suffering. God bless you...you are in my prayers.


Christie said...

I don't know you but feel compelled to pray for you. I pray that God wrap His loving arms around you, consuming you with His majesty. I pray that He heals your broken hearts and allows you to see His plan for you and the love He has for your sweet baby. May you be blessed, may you find joy.

Wesley Chandler said...

I am at a loss for words.. I really am heartbroken for your family's loss. But its so great to know that one day, your family will be reunited again. You will be in my thoughts and prayers.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I am so very sorry to read this about baby Gavin. I've been praying for him, for you, for his doctors and nurses, and for your family. As you grieve, I will continue to pray for you all. May your pain ease knowing that Gavin is wrapped in the eternity of love, and may you find strength in the knowledge that you, too, are swaddled in love and grace. Blessings...

Anonymous said...

May God bless you, comfort you, and give you peace. My heart breaks for you.

stacy said...

SO SORRY! your family is in our prayers.

Heidi Bitsch said...

I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. My heart and prayers go out to you and your family. I am in awe and amazed at the strength that you have. I hope that at this time you will continue to have that strength and be lifted up by God's love. Your son was so lucky to be with your family for the short time that he was. I don't know you personally, but love to read your blog and look at your pictures, they inspire me and you have a great personality. I'm sure your son was aware of what an amazing family he was brought into and I'm sure he's keeping himself busy until you all will be reunited again.

Melissa said...

Dear sweet Natalie and family,

You don't know me, but you and Richie know my husband Jon from your EFY days. Through Jon I have heard much about your energy and enthusiasm for life. You don't know how much we've followed your blog for the past 2+ years, how much we have been absolutely enthralled by your photography and your fun and witty writing, or how much we've admired together your desire to share what you know with others in every way you can. You also don't know how much I ached for you over the loss of your darling brother, and how much I learned from every word you wrote about that experience.

But you can probably imagine how I felt reading your most recent updates of your sweet little baby boy. Jon and I fasted for little Gavin this week, and kept him in our thoughts and prayers, and your sweet faith throughout something so difficult made me so emotional. I kept thinking...not Natalie, not this baby... And yet here you are, the same Natalie as always––thankful, grateful, hopeful, peaceful, faithful, full of a deep eternal perspective I can't begin to imagine and your unwavering testimony of the Savior and His mercy. This sweet little baby has joined his namesake, and that makes me want to cry buckets with you and hug you, but since I can't, know that you and your family will remain in our hearts and prayers. Thank you for your example of sheer faith and love, and for sharing it with us all. You are such an inspiration to us in so many ways. God bless your beautiful family during this difficult time.

We are so very sorry for your loss and send all our love from DC!

Me said...

Am very sorry to hear of your loss, treasure the memories of him that you have and my thoughts are with you. x

Unknown said...

Natalie and Richie,

I love you both and I deeply value your testimony that "because of the atoning sacrifice and resurrection of Jesus Christ we will live together again." I firmly believe that too. God bless you all.

Peg said...

although we've never met, I'm so inspired by your faith. My love and prayers go out to you as you deal with your loss.

On your last posting you said, "I know my son is leaving this hospital a vision of health." You are right. He fulfilled his assignment here on earth (what a valiant spirit he must have been to require such a short time here) and he now has perfect health. He has indeed left the hospital a vision of health.

Anonymous said...

I'm thankful for your testimony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ because it will provide you and your family more peace and comfort than any of us could ever give. Loving you guys with prayer, the Hammond's (Eric and Ninirei)

Anonymous said...

Little Gavin is back with is Father. I am so sad that you and your family have to go through this. I am grateful for your testimony and your faith in God during this time.

The Laney Family said...

You guys are and will continue to be in our thoughts and prayers!!!

Anonymous said...

What Makes a Mother"
by Jennifer Wasik

I thought of you and closed my eyes
And prayed to God today.
I asked what makes a Mother
And I know I heard him say...

A mother has a baby
This we know is true.
But, God, can you be a mother
when your baby is not with you?

Yes, you can He replied,
With confidence in His voice.
I give many women babies
When they leave is not their choice.

Some I send for a lifetime,
And others just for a day.
And some I send to feel your womb,
But there's no need to stay.

I just don't understand this God,
I want my baby here.
He took a breath and cleared His throat
And then I saw a tear.

I wish I could show you
What your child is doing today.
If you could see your child smile
With other children and say:

"We go to earth to learn our lessons
Of love and life and fear.
My mommy loved me oh so much
I got to come straight here.

I feel so lucky to have a mom
Who has so much love for me.
I learned my lessons very quickly,
My mommy set me free.

I miss my mommy Oh so much,
But I visit every day.
When she goes to sleep
On her pillow is where I lay.

I stroke her hair and kiss her cheek
And I whisper in her ear.
Mommy don't be sad today,
I'm your baby and I'm here."

So, you see my dear sweet one,
Your children are not blue.
Your babies are here in MY home,
They'll be at Heaven's gate waiting for you.

So now you see what makes a mother,
It's the feeling in your heart.
It's the love you had so much of,
Right from the very start.

Though some on earth may not realize you are a mother,
Until their time is done.
They'll be up here with Me one day,
And they'll know you were the best one!

This poem was too long, but it completely beautiful in light of your recent experiences. Read it when you have a moment. http://myexpectedend.blogspot.com/2009/12/white-rose.html

Tracie Darling Photography said...

My heart is broken for you and your family.
I've been praying for Baby Gavin for days and I continue to pray for him and your family.
You don't know me, but know that you have all my love and gratitude for being such an incredible example of faith.
I love you and I wish I could do more than just tell you that.


Amorology said...

I have not been able to stop thinking about you. I am so sorry. this is not how any of us thought it would end up, but we are continually amazed by your strength. we posted some thoughts for you on our blog. sending love to you, Ritchie and the boys.

Anonymous said...

We are so sorry for your loss. I just came upon your blog today while on facebook. I Wish i could have invested all my strength in prayers for your family.

You and Richie have always been such postive influences on our life and so many others. Your testimony to the church and life by example has given us the stregnth to become stronger and stronger in the church.

So at this time of need we send our deepest prayers and love to your family. If there is anything we can do from here in Anchorage, AK let us know.

we love you.

Chelsea, Joshua, & Kali Wily

Anonymous said...

i just found out about your blog from a friend. i read your posts and cried, many times. your faith is amazing and it definitely strengthened mine, i only hope i can be as strong as you have been if i have to face a trial like this.
you are an inspiration!

Anthony and Rene said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. I am sorry for your loss. The plan of salvation is a wonderful thing.

Patti said...

Dear Sweet Natalie, The people I work with and many, many friends have had you, Gavin and your wee family in their prayers, as have I. He's a mighty little warrior who fought hard to stay with you; I can only imagine what the Lord has in mind for for such a strong soul as him. You'll continue to be in my prayers Sweetie, you and your whole family. My heart breaks for all of you but I know this isn't the end, it's a new beginning for a much beloved son of our Heavenly Father. The Lord must love you greatly to entrust such a special spirit to your love and care, even for this brief time. It takes a special spirit like wee Gavin to bring a world together in prayer. How blessed you are. I love you Sweetie. Stay strong and please cuddle your three other warriors for me. ~Patti

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry he was called so soon. My heart is weeping and thinking to you.


Melanie said...

I am so sorry for your loss. My prayers and thoughts are with you and your family at this time.

Tamara said...

You don't know me but my family knows your pain. Three years ago we lost our precious 2 year old grandson Jacob. For a while you will feel alone in this, but if you can, remember there are many, many people out there who want nothing more than to hug you right now. I will pray for you and your family to feel moments of comfort. I have prayed for Jacob to find Gavin and show him all the great places in heaven for little boys to play.

Susy said...

Sending love, prayers, and thoughts to you from NYC.
Bless you, bless your family, and bless sweet baby Gavin.

Unknown said...

Natalie, please know that from the bottom of my heart, I am so sorry for your loss. No matter where I am in my life you have been someone who has strengthened my testimony and faith. I hope that you can continue to find the comfort you need from your friends, family, and a Heavenly father who loves you so much & knows everything about you.

cindy said...

I am sooooo sorry and sad. I went to bed last night praying for Gavin, and woke up praying for him. My heart goes out to you and your family. Your strength and faith are so strong, you've strengthened more people than you'll ever know. It's such a blessing to know that families are eternal. You're in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

May Jesus comfort you and your family during this time - I cannot imagine your pain right now, but your faith and your love are an enormous testimony to the peace and love we can find in Him.

God bless you.

Anonymous said...

Natalie, all my love and support to you and your family. I am sure your brother Gavin was waiting to welcome his nephew back home after only a short time in mortality with you as his mom.

Jordan and Krista said...


We only met briefly when you took pictures of our family back in October, when baby Gavin was still in your belly. At the time I didn't know the story of your brother Gavin but you spoke so lovingly of him that it stuck with me. I can't imagine bearing such heavy losses. May your faith continue to be a source of strength and solace.

I doubt it brings you any comfort in this incredibly difficult time, but your story has touched so many. I actually had a friend who lives in Tennessee who doesn't know you share it with me, not knowing I was already following it. I also shared it with another friend of mine, and when she learned this morning that Gavin lost his battle, I was touched by her words. This is what she said: "I have never been so heartbroken for a little boy I have never met. It is just incredible how difficult his journey has been on this earth. HE DESERVED TO LIVE!!!! I know there is a lesson to be had, that he is a touchstone for all of us to appreciate but HE DESERVED TO LIVE. May his family and all those touched by his journey gain strength by knowing he is and was completely loved. Be well my sweet little Gavin. My heartsongs will be dedicated and sung just for you for the next few weeks."

Krista Hoffmann

Celeste said...

You do not know me and I do not know you. My sister posted a thing on facebook to pray for you. Words cannot describe how much sympathy I have for you as a mother myself. I believe the atonement is real and have seen it work in my life. God bless you in this difficult time and I truly pray that your heart ache will be lightened by the millions of prayers headed your way.

Brinn said...

Your faith and strength are inspiring. May they bring you peace during this painful trial. Your family continues to be in our prayers.

Ashley Thalman said...

Oh Natalie, from one mother to another I am so deeply sorry for your sorrow and anguish yet I am lifted by your faith.

Anonymous said...

I only saw your sight the first time yesterday and I prayed that God would hold you in his arms and comfort you through this difficult time. I prayed that He would hold your beautiful baby boy and take all of his illness away. I pray now that God continues to hold you and your family in His arms as you grieve for Gavin. He was and is a true blessing from God. My heart is broken for you and your family but I know God is real and He is good and he will help you through this. Know that Gavin is with Him and he is free of pain and any illness that ever touched his tiny little body.

God Bless You.

Penticton, BC Canada

Molly Bea said...

Natalie, (and Richie and boys) I know you are getting a million comments right now and probably don't have time to read them all, but we just want you all to know that we love you, are praying for you. I know your testimonies hold you up, but it doesn't mean this isn't hard. You must be one special family to get to have one of Heavenly Father's very choicest sons be in our hands for such a short time and in your hearts forever. Little Gavin must have incredible work on the other side for him, maybe with big Gavin.
We love you! Hugs from all of us.
Molly, Trev & Boys

Ally said...

Thinking of you and your family. I am so sorry for the loss of your perfect baby Gavin.

Kimberlee said...

I've been praying for your sweet Gavin and your family. I am so sorry.

Anonymous said...

My condolences to you and your beautiful family.

Courtney Toney said...

I am so sorry Natalie. My heart is broken for you and your family. Your faith through this has been so amazing & I know God already is and will do huge things in hearts all over the world through this. We will continue to lift you up in prayer. May the God of peace comfort you through this hard time.

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry for your loss. May the Lord, Jesus Christ, bless you during your most difficult days. Gavin will always be with you, in your heart and soul. I cannot imagine the pain and sorrow you must feel. I am praying for you and your family. God IS good. My heart aches for you.
Mesa, AZ

Anonymous said...

Sending you love and prayers. Jana in Texas

Najma said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family and your precious babe.

Christine said...

I have been following your blog for a few days now and felt your loss when I did not see an update this morning. A thought comes to mind... Sweet release... A sweet release from pain. Sometimes death truly is a blessing from God. God chose YOU to be the Mother of this child and you did exactly what a Mother should do, until he was released from his earthly experience... We pray and then we pray harder. Your "Mother Heart" has been expanded. I pray that you will be granted an extra measure of the Comforter, so that your hearts will continue to be filled with peace.
With much love,
A mother of five in Ak...

shell smith said...

I am so sorry for your loss, my thoughts and prayers go out to you, may God give you the Grace and strength, to carry on, with love in Jesus

shell smith and Andrew {5yr}

Kim@parisian party said...

I am so, so sorry for your loss. Your family is in my thoughts and prayers, and I hope that you will find the strength to make it through this tragic time. I'm so sorry...

The Price Family said...

We love you and your family so much.

Jessie said...

So sorry for your loss! Thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this time!


What an inspiration your family and Gavin have been to so many people!

Love from New Mexico!

Myrn Photography said...

You are infinitely loved and blessed to have had him in your life.. even for a short while. God be with you till you are with him again. We love you Norton family. God bless you all.

Holly-girl said...

Oh I'm so sad ... I checked for your update today, being so sure it was going to be a positive one and I'm just so sad to see this. We are holding you in prayer!

Anonymous said...

Your faith in our Savior is amazing and your grace through this heartwrenching time is truly a testimony to all of just what the power in Christ delivers to us: your son will be with you again! He's healed! Praise God. And he'll never know pain again. My prayers rise for your healing, dealing, growing and thriving through this. God is always with us, even when our world is shaken.... this is not our home. Your baby Gavin has gone home. Never to ache again.

Prayers to you... Live your faith, and continue to share it. I pray others find our Savior through your son, and your faith shared here.

In our mighty Christ,


MixMingleGlow said...

When this all started, God gave me this song one day as I prayed for you while driving in the car. It has continuously played in my head every day. It is called "Held" by Natalie Grant.

I know you know you are indeed being Held by our Father in Heaven through this heartbreaking time.


Two months is too little
They let him go
They had no sudden healing
To think that providence
Would take a child from his mother
While she prays, is appalling
Who told us we'd be rescued
What has changed and
Why should we be saved from nightmares
We're asking why this happens to us
Who have died to live, it's unfair

This is what it means to be held
How it feels, when the sacred is torn from your life
And you survive
This is what it is to be loved and to know
That the promise was when everything fell
We'd be held

This hand is bitterness
We want to taste it and
Let the hatred numb our sorrows
The wise hand opens slowly
To lilies of the valley and tomorrow

This is what it means to be held
How it feels, when the sacred is torn from your life
And you survive
This is what it is to be loved and to know
That the promise was when everything fell
We'd be held

If hope is born of suffering
If this is only the beginning
Can we not wait, for one hour
Watching for our savior

This is what it means to be held
How it feels, when the sacred is torn from your life
And you survive
This is what it is to be loved and to know
That the promise was when everything fell
We'd be held

Al said...

I am so sorry for you and your family's loss Natalie. It is but a comforting thought knowing that Gavin has such wonderful parents that love and fought for him so much and that he was privileged to feel that love, even if his time here was cut short. Thinking of you from Sydney, Australia. x

Amanda K said...

I am praying for the peace that surpasses your understanding...the peace that only the Lord can bring. Lifting you up in prayer in ORegon. AK

Unknown said...

I am so sorry for your loss!!!! It is very reassuring knowing that he is perfect and is be back with our Heavenly Father and you will see him again! Now our Father in heaven is holding him and comforting him. I have had a consistent prayer in my heart for you!

jennie said...

our prayers are still with you and we give thanks for the plan of Salvation! Families are truly forever!

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