24 December, 2009

This is Christmas.

We'll be blessing my little Gavin David Bruce Norton tonight. Makes me feel intimately connected to another mother. . . loving her beautiful baby boy . . . on a sacred night long long ago. :)

Hers was born to be a king, and his very life offers each and every heart, no matter the pain and struggle of mortality, reason to rejoice.

Because of Jesus Christ, I will walk with my brother again. Because of Jesus Christ we can weather- WITH JOY - the trials of this mortal life and live with God in peace once again.

So celebrate with me the day of His birth,
for THIS is Christmas.
And to you and yours, Merry Christmas.
May your hearts be filled with, hope, joy and so much love!




Emily Ruth said...

Merry Christmas to you too!

shelly said...

Merry Christmas!

Ashleigh said...

Merry Christmas, Nat. The most frequent thought I've had the last week or so is that I'm SO grateful for this season that allows us to celebrate the birth of the Savior whose life gives meaning to mine. You know? It's just...beautiful. Thanks for sharing your thoughts & testimony.

Puanani Tagoai said...

This is a beautiful post, and a true testament of faith! Here's hoping all is well with your son and family, and you enjoyed a happy Christmas and New Year.

richie said...


Brady and Rachel said...

Your very own post will help add strength to you during this hard period of time. Your family will be SO BLESSED for your faith. Keep fighting for your life little Gavin. I pray that your Uncle Gavin is helping you fight for it from the other side, you've already honored his name in SO MANY ways. Extra thoughts and prayers going your way as we celebrate Jake's (Whetten) birthday today, I still remember the shock I had in hearing about Gavin's unexpected and unexplainable passing last time we were out in Hawaii, I thought Jake was the only one I knew with such an unexplainable passing. Apparently the Lord had special jobs waiting on the other side for both your brother Gavin and my brother-in-law Jake. They were both great young men. Prayers continually coming your way.

Crystal said...

"Because of Jesus Christ we can weather- WITH JOY - the trials of this mortal life and live with God in peace once again."

Wow.....that's such a wonderful promise!

Jaynann said...

That was beautiful, thank you!

Unknown said...

I read this post but never commented on it. So profound Natalie. Your strength is amazing. This is the promise! This post. Hold on! Huggs to you and Richie and the boys.