20 October, 2009

MJ's biggest fan.

OK. So I totally tweeted this (follow me there) over the last while, but since I'm swamped and not blogging I thought I'd journal it here for your daily dose of Halloween hilarity.

  • a few weeks ago, Raleigh threw a penny in a fountain. "Wanna to know what I wished? I wished I could be America's next top dancer."
  • a week or so ago: Raleigh: "was Michael Jackson America's top dancer?" Me: "no Raleigh, Michael Jackson was the WORLD'S top dancer!" Raleigh: "OK. I'm going to be him for Halloween!"
  • last night we're looking over all the versions of MJ to try to decide on a costume and we come to the Michael of the ABC days. Raleigh: "Wait! Michael Jackson used to be BLACK?!!!!!!!"
  • today Richie was volunteering in Raleigh's classroom. They were drawing pictures for the masks they're making. Raleigh was making a mask of MJ, which he colored black. The little girl next to him: "Michael Jackson wasn't black!" Raleigh (matter of factly) "Oh, but he used to be."
The end.

Happy Halloween.


shelly said...

BWAHAHAHAHA! OH! I loved each and every one of these! Thanks for sharing the hilarity, Natalie! Hahaha! (Still laughing)

Kristen said...

that's AWESOME! I love you Raleigh. You are right. He did used to be black. :)

Annie Link said...

Out of the mouths of babes . . .

This running saga (along with Lincoln's Baby Jesus, hahahahahaha!) has had me laughing all week. Gotta love those boys of yours--they crack me up!

Widiger Family said...

He's such a crack up. Love it!!!!
You got great kids.

richie said...

So funny! I don't know where he got the America's top dancer thing. I don't think he's ever even seen one of those type of shows. Raleigh does have some sweet moves though.

Arica said...

atta' boy! gotta love michael. (:

jen said...

ha ha ha ha ha

Tracy said...

Ha! That's awesome! Children always tell it like it is. :)

Leslie Houx said...

So funny! Thanks for sharing!

liko said...

oh, that's all freakin' hilarious!!

had me laughing HARD!!!

Leisa Tapia said...

ha ha ha ha! so awesomely funny that little Raleigh! I wish I knew him better so i could hear how he would say it, but I laughed out loud none-the-less

Amelia Kate said...

hahahah! My favorite is the laste one.... "oh, but he used to be." :)

Nicolemiko said...

hilarious! thanks for sharing. children say the best things. My daughter is constantly cracking me up too!