13 October, 2009


Japanese tourists LOVE my children. When we hit up Waikiki (which is a rare occasion) we are ALWAYS stopped REPEATEDLY by Japanese tourists, young and old, male and female, for photo ops with my little blond boys.

Picture 1: peace sign (of course) + coin slot.

Picture 2: white people are always perplexed by the entire shenanigan + apparently some people think it's normal to pick up stranger's children :)

Click to enlarge so you don't miss white man's aforementioned confusion.

All joking aside, this is my favorite part of excursions to the strip. True story.


shelly said...

Hahaha! This is hilarious!

Shanae said...

I totally understand. I get the same thing. The blonde hair gets them every time. My kids not only get stopped but for some reason people feel the need to give them things, like balloons, bracelets, etc. It is funny. Stay away from sunset beach when the big tourist buses stop. They are like celebrities :)

Heather said...

Ok, this post just made me laugh out loud! I love EVERYTHING about it! THANK YOU for sharing! p.s. cardie's butt looks cute in those skinny jeans!

richie said...

Seriously, happens every time. I remember when it first happened with Raleigh...So fun! Rad post! Ha!

Ashley said...

Haha..this used to happen all the time with Presley. I just thought it was funny too.

Jessica said...

So funny!!! This used to happen when we would go to Downtown DC with Jocelyn. The picking the strangers kid up always got me too.

Cami said...

Hahaha too funny! Asian people are crazy about their pictures and peace signs.

Tracee Breeze said...

serious???? That is crazy.
I mean mickey mouse I can understand, but just someones blonde kids?

TonsillarBeatle said...

this def happens overseas as well. Being an asian myself, I was surprised to never notice this phenom until my recent trip to china where a little blond boy was rushed by little chinese girls. Can't say that I've seen adults do the same until now. Maybe I'm sheltered. Love your work Natalie. It's nice to be inspired every once in a while.

ashmae said...

ha ha ha ha hah!!! why is this so so funny!

Annie Link said...

Well, I happen to think they have excellent taste.

(And I wasn't much different when I was in Tokyo and saw that beautiful little girl in her kimono--except, I guess I kinda stalked her to get my shots . . . )

Anonymous said...


(was that inappropriate?)

your boys are darling, i'd stop em too!

Britt said...

Yes I totally understand! I actually live in Okinawa, Japan and the locals stop all the time to touch and talk to my 8 month old little boy. I had 2 ladies at the pet store one day who wanted me to take him out of his stroller so they could hold him. They passed him back and forth and just cooed over him. And he doesn't even have blond hair! But he has very big, dark eyes and they all seem to love his big eyes. :)

Anonymous said...

so funny and awesome. i want pictures with your boys too!

Damaris @Kitchen Corners said...

this post is awesome, my goodness you HAVE to take them to Brazil they'll be an instant hit.

Unknown said...

Fascinating. Did the kids mind?

sheena said...

aaah!! dying!!

VonDeferen said...

Hello Natalie! I came by your blog via your Digital Photography School article on Social Media Avatars. I had to laugh at this post re: Japanese Tourists and your blonde children.

My wife, our two boys and I were in the Detroit airport on our way to Vermont. Our layover was rather long and the boys (ages 2 and 9 months at the time) were getting quite restless. Our oldest began to run around in an effort, I assume, to expend some energy, laughing and squealing all the way.

Our Japanese counterparts sitting across the aisle from us were clearly enamored of him. They were laughing and snapping pictures of both of them. My wife and I (both very un-blonde ourselves) were fascinated with their attention.

It seems, at least now, to make sense.

Thanks for sharing.