09 September, 2009


Dear Heather,

If I draw Wanda's name for Christmas,
this is what I'm getting her.

Image by Heather


shelly said...

Hahaha! You know what really struck me funny when I clicked on the present? There's only "one left in stock"! I LOVE this picture! Aren't they best friends?

Heather said...

Wanda would love that more than cheese ! Great idea!

Annie Link said...

I'm lost. What do you want to get her? This amazing pic? and shelly, what present did you click on? Is it just my jet lag? what is this all about?? I am so lost.

Annie Link said...

Still trying to figure this out. Nat, you want to give Wanda a picture Heather already has of her?

All said. I'm glad you posted it. I love it and want to hang it on my family wall. If I ever get a family wall.

Natalie. said...

Mom, click on the link "this". You are such a dufus.

shelly said...

BWAHAHAHA! Annie - you crack me up! Yeah, click on "this". That'll educate you:)

Annie Link said...

Oh. I knew that.
(quoting Miss Piggy here.)