23 June, 2009

My Favorite Book.

My Dad is allergic to fiction,
but addicted to great literature.

Thus I grew up reading amazing books,
and this one is my very favorite of the "non-religious" sort.

Flip through this copy and you'll notice my progression of age
through the progression of my insights coupled by the "grown-upness" of my handwriting.

If you haven't read this,
today is the day.

I can say without reservation that, no matter who you are,
this book will add meaning to your life.


The Garner Family said...

I love this book! I haven't read it in far too long, thanks for the reminder :)

jenniferhoiyin said...

i've never read it, but it's on the top of my list.

jacqueline said...

Thanks for the suggestion! I'm always looking for a good read!

Gustavo said...

I gonna buy one. Thanks for the suggestion!

tappens said...

hi! i just found your beautiful blog and have been staring at your beautiful pictures all morning...

anyway, i just finished this book TWO DAYS AGO and am still contemplating the truths found inside. it is deeply spiritual without being religious. i love the juxtaposition of his experiences in a concentration camp with his intellectual insights on the human psyche. just profound.
