03 May, 2009

I Know, I Know, Pregnant and Weapy.

This had tears streaming down my face. Why??! Someone enlighten me.
Happy Monday everyone.
This'll be a GREAT way to start your week!!!




shelly said...

Natalie!!! It's because it's got to be everyone's dream (at least yours and mine, and your mom's, of course!) to live inside an impromptu musical! To have it be "Sound of Music" is just the icing on the cake. I got big old goosebumps myself. I think if I'd been a witness to that I would have just melted into a puddle on the floor -- or died right on the spot! Thanks so much for sharing that! I love you! I LOVE the person who thought of doing that!

Luanne said...


g* said...

yes, this has made my day. could you imagine being there??? so great! thanks for sharing!

g* said...

BTW: Congratulations!

airynothings said...

I loved it too. I told my husband that i secretly wish life were more like musicals. Then i saw this and I shouted "My dream lives!"

I cried too. And I'm nowhere NEAR pregnant!!

Rachel Esther said...

Not pregnant either but still bawled! that was awesome! I love that so many people would come together to do something like that. *much nicer than the other video too :)!! )

Amy said...

OK, so some days I pretend my life is a musical and starting singing about all the things I'm doing as I dance wildly around my apartment (or the grocery store...wherever). Ah, I'm glad to see so many of you share the same dream as me.

Kristen said...

Don't you wish life could just be that enjoyable, even in a crowded airport, where I know most people were probably grumpy about traveling!

plain jaynne said...

I love this. You should look at the new cabury's commercial with the 2 children. It will have you in stitches!

Molly said...

I'm watching this and laughing, and you're watching this a crying...pregnancy is so weird.

us*limes said...

oh, thank you! i put this on my blog and asked if it brought anyone else to tears. i just got laughed at. i am SO glad to have other people as weepy as me. although, i'm not pregnant.