16 July, 2008

July Giveaway #1.

In loving memory of this famous North Shore attraction that is no more: comment below if you'd like a signed 8x10 or 16x20 mat board of this image. Winners will be chosen at random and announced this coming Monday, July 21st. Good luck and happy birth-month to me!!


Anonymous said...

I want it SO bad! That picture is so awesome. Totally brings back a million memories. Can your man win?

Anonymous said...

ou ou me me me!! Great picture!!

OMI said...

Where did it go....HAPPY BIRTHDAY Young lady!

Luis Murillo said...

uuu....I want one...I want to participate too!!!1

Oh and happy birth day to you :)
Where's the party? :P

Ericksons said...

I agree July is a great month to be born in! I should try celebrating the whole month thats a good idea! Awesome pic!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Month to you!

That would look so cool in my office at the day job :)

{Erica} said...

what??!! why is it gone? That brings back so many good memories...pretty sure I have a snap shot of it from my byu-H days but just in case...please pick me :)

Scott & Tami said...

Happy Birthmonth Nat....throw me in the drawing!!! Ps...we might be coming next May or June...maybe we can hook up for lunch or something...it will be just Scott and I. love you girlie.

Anonymous said...

Love to be included! PS Nat, I just got booked to second shoot at my first wedding (by the bride) in Cali in October. Just a wee bit nervous!

Anonymous said...

HELLO!!! Pick ME!!! Where the heck did it go??? How could they get rid of that?? I'm upset...fill me in!

For anyone that wants to know -- our Sweet Natalie was born on July 26. A date to remember! A daughter-in-law to cherish.

Sarah G said...

me, me, me!

and hello! been watching your blog for a while now and find your portraits to be incredibly inspiring.

Anonymous said...

Wow - this is a great photo.

Happy Birthday!

mandy said...

HEY NAT!!!! where the heck is it going? can you send me the statue? shouldnt be too much trouble...right?? heheh.. love you!!! Hey Im trying to interview Stephenie Meyer!! this radio show is having a contest and i might get to !! how cool is that. long shot but wouldnt htat be greaking cool..plus its radio so who needs to loose wheigt to go on radio?? yaeeee!!! hahaha love you:D

Melissa M said...

Awesome pics and always inspiring! This would look great on one of my walls.

Heather said...

It's GONE?! Why? Who did this?!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! It's nice of you to give away a present on your own birthday. I love this image and I'm sad that it's no more. Thanks for the giveaway!

Amy said...

I totally think you should pic me... I live in Nebraska (whoo hoo) so I don't get these cool things, I get corn. And, because I check your blog daily and think you are amazing! If I only had half of your talent....
Happy birthday to you!!

Anonymous said...

Count me in...and thanks for doing fun things like this during YOUR birthday month-very cool thing to do!

Anonymous said...

The composition and the colors are just amazing.. and the subject too..

Ed Spadoni said...

Natalie, I don't know what it is or where it was, but it is intriguing, and a great shot to boot. I'd hang that in my office and enjoy the conversations it would start!!

Larry said...

That's an awesome shot! I hope I win! My wife misses Laie and North Shore so much...it would be a great present for her! Also, if I don't win, how much will you charge me for a signed one? Thanks!

Heather Capener said...

sign me up for the giveaway. Where was this head? Is it over by Sunset/Pipeline?

Spencer said...

I want to be in this drawing, please.

sylv said...

Great shot and happy birth month to you!!

Troy Rosenkranz said...

I really enjoy your pictures and the great information and ideas your provide. Keep up the great work. Grace and Peace