24 May, 2008

May I Take Your Order?

Hi blog-a-licious blogger friends,

Last week I posted, Your Input: What's In Your Bag? I'll admit it folks, I was disappointed with the response! There have got to be other photographers who you dig. I KNOW there are blogs where you're a regular lurker and are dying to know what kind of equipment they use to get those buttery delicious images. So, I'm giving you one more chance! Let me know which photographers you'd like me to contact for future installments of What's in Your Bag. You may also let me know a specific question you'd like me to ask the photographer you request. I'm not making any solid promises, but I'll do my very best to honor all your requests. Those of you who did comment last week, THANK YOU! I'm working on getting the scoop!

Comment below with your "order!" AND remember, anonymous comments are a-ok!

Have a great Sunday!




Luis Murillo said...

One photographer that I've recently been reading his blog is Matt Nicolosi (http://www.mattnicolosiblog.com), he's from dallas and I would like to know what's on his bag ;)

Anonymous said...

Okay I'll play. Heather Cole. I'd like to know if she exclusively uses natural light on location shoots or some artificial...and what's in that bag. Work some magic Natalie!

Anonymous said...

sean flanigan- seattle/portland. i'm also curious to know what actions he uses, if he sells his own actions, and if he has ever considered doing a one-on-one or a workshop! :) (i have been meaning to ask him myself, i definitely need to!) cool idea, thanks!

Priscila M. said...

Alright here goes.... Michael Andrew @ michaelthemaven.com; Jonathan Canlas @ canlasphotography.blogspot.com; Sakura photography @ Sakuraphotography.com/blog/; Kim Fox @ kimfoxphotogaphy.com.

Ok, I think that's it for now. hehehe.

Priscila M. said...

Hi Natalie,

I've been browsing your blog and see your default pic with an awesome sloppy border. I use Photoshop, but haven't found any neat sloppy borders, what do you recommend?

Anonymous said...

I would like to see you interview Nicholas Haskins, http://www.haskinsphotography.com/index.php?link=65

Anonymous said...

I would love to see you chat with D'andrew at www.bridesforallseasons.com I'm curious if he would even be willing to share some tips for free.

Anonymous said...

I would love to learn about Audrey Woulard and Candice Stringham. Oh and Barb Uil too!

taryn said...
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taryn said...

anna kuperberg
melissa jill
nate & jaclyn with the image is found
nicholas haskins
tara whitney

(that should keep you busy)

Priscila M. said...

I wanted to add one more.
Maurice @

Anonymous said...

erica grover (http://feelingthephoto.blogspot.com/)

Larry said...

Hey Natalie...I love your blog. I'd like to recommend James Carson (a.k.a. Carson Day) at www.jamescarsonphotography.com. He's a friend of mine. I've enjoyed reading your blog and love your work. Don't know if you remember me or my wife, Melanie...we're friends of the McBrides and spent a couple eves at your place in laie back in the day. Anyhoo, I'm at www.larryreevesphoto.blogspot.com and would love to hear from you...Happy shooting!!

Anonymous said...

Alicia Bock...PLEASE! Alicia Bock is awesome! I would love to know how she gives her pictures such a cool vintage look and feel.

Anonymous said...

I know I'm late in posting here, but I would love to hear from Rebekah Westover. Her pictures are stunning everytime. http://rebekahwestover.blogspot.com

Have fun! See you soon!

Erin said...

there is matt clayton who i think is an amazing photographer! he really is wonderful!

shelly said...

I'm a little late, but I'd love to hear from Sheye Rosemeyer!

Anonymous said...

jennifer skog (http://www.skogasinvogue.com/), trista lerit (http://www.tristalerit.com/blog/), jessica claire (http://www.jessicaclaire.net/)....!!

Sarah said...

I'd love to find out about Sam & Mary!


Great idea!

Janna said...

Another vote for Jessica Claire. Also, did you get a Shootsac or a Boda? And if you got one, do you love it? Thanks!

Natalie. said...


I actually had a friend do that! Ha! I'm sure you could google it. I know it's a photoshop brush. . . but that's the extent of my smarts :)

Natalie. said...


I actually haven't gotten either yet. I'm actually shooting with an assistant more and more so that they can deal with my gear. I've decided that I would struggle having something connected to my body during a shoot, because I spend so much time on my back, belly, side etc. . . ha ha!

Hope that's helpful info!



Anonymous said...

I obviously missed the boat on this one long ago, but just for kicks...Kelli Saunders (kellinicolephotography.com).

Alex Benge said...

I would love for you to do a post of what's in your bag with Clayton Austin Love Stories. His photos are amazing and tell beautiful stories. Thanks so much.