23 April, 2008


Mahalo to New Jersey photographer Jen Weaver for the mention!

One more thing. . . boys and girls. . . gratitude, well it's HUGE to me. If you or anyone you know ever gives me a shout out on their blog or in a forum etc, PLEASE let me know so I can personally say THANKS!

Happy Shooting and thank you again Jen!!




Anonymous said...

I'm giving you a "shout out" on YOUR blog since I don't have one! I think you and your talent are incredibly amazing in EVERY way! Thank you for sharing your witty writing skills, knowledge, and and neat life with us!

Unknown said...

I really enjoyed your guest post today. :) I have been trying to simplify and figure out a way to put larger photos up and it was nice to see someone else enjoys tha huge pictures too. :) I'll keep working on that. Just wanted to pop over to your place and say "Great post"!

Jennifer Rinaldi said...

Awww...thanks so much Natalie(*smile*)

I always love your posts in DPS and I like to link them to my blog to share with readers that I might have :) (like you talked about - you gotta share the love!)

So many people loved your last write up about starting a blog that a few others I know started one after reading it. :)